Van nomadism (a.k.a van dwelling) was a popular strategy for vonuans early on and is even quite popular today among folks from different ideological persuasions–a quick YouTube search will garner hundreds if not thousands of results. That is the subject of today’s episode of The Vonu Podcast. Herein, Shane and…
The following is another article by Rayo out of VONULIFE, March 1973 that will accompany the upcoming episode of Liberty Under Attack Radio, as well as the next Patreon exclusive for vonu listeners. Please make sure to check out this LUA Radio episode for an introductory discussion on this subject.…
Recently, I began reading Erwin Strauss’, How to Start Your Own Country; Strauss was a long-time editor of Libertarian Connection and was well apprised of the attempts at founding new libertarian nations, whether they were sesteads or otherwise. That said, one of the approaches he presents is vonu, so of…
“If your State of anchorage becomes intolerable, don’t waste energy in extended public criticism or conflict; apply your free market principles by setting sail for sunnier waters.” -Rayo In this miniseries, the majority of the focus has been on strategically relocating to places on land, whether within the tax farm…
“How can you realize the most personal freedom right now? Become internationally mobile. Stop being a ‘captive audience’ for the real life black comedies of a particular gang of clowns-turned-goons and begin making real market choices between states.” -Rayo As has been expressed many times on The Vonu Podcast, mobility…
Recently, I received a physical copy of VONULIFE, March 1973 and have been in the process of digitizing this 80,000+ word publication. The last article is being transcribed as this is written–all that’s left is to add the images, some proofreading, and then it’ll be ready for publication in its…
Recently, I received a physical copy of VONULIFE, March 1973 and have been in the process of digitizing this 80,000+ word publication. As expected, it’s taking some time, but I figured I’d drop you another sneak peek. This is another BRAND NEW article (to “us”) by Rayo and I find…
Recently, I received a physical copy of VONULIFE, March 1973 and have been in the process of digitizing this 80,000+ word publication. As expected, it’s taking some time, but I figured I’d drop you another sneak peek. This article is by Al Fry, one of the main editors of VONULIFE,…
Rayo and others like him were often scolded by major figures within libertarianism, such as Samuel Edward Konkin III (SEK3) and Murray Rothbard. The former called vonuans “anarcho-zionists,” or, in other words, individuals seeking out the promise land of liberty; the latter called vonuans “retreatists”, meaning that they weren’t willing…
Throughout history, there have been inventions that have shifted the balance of power from the rulers to the subjects–for example, the invention of the crossbow, guns, and now, crypto-anarchism–that is, encryption, crypto-currencies, and blockchain technology more generally. That said, what did Rayo have to say about it? What sorts of…
This past week, I received an original copy of VONULIFE, March 1973. It is an 80,000+ word issue of the publication and is full of new articles by Rayo. It also provides “us” with an actual idea of the discussions that were had in it. I’ve been hyping this for…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle conclude their miniseries on what Rayo called Local Areas of Liberty. They recap ethical enclaves, free isles/free ports, local congregations, and intentional communities, order them based off their subjective preferences, and more. Please enjoy and share!
In this miniseries on what Rayo called localized areas of liberty, Shane and Kyle have covered ethical enclaves, free isles/free ports, and intentional communities. His fourth and final proposal was something called a local congregation, which can be defined as: A geographical area where libertarians have strategically relocated so as…