On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I reconvene for a slew of personal updates, updates regarding LUA Publications, new P.A.Z.NIA Merch…and close it out with a discussion on P.A.Z.NIA/Second Realm Needs for 2025/Year 5. In other words, how YOU can get involved and help build the Second…
A quick update from The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA’s VERITAS node! Shirts, hats, coffee mugs, pens, flags, & MORE available now. Just visit PAZNIA.COM/SHOP and place your order today. Bitcoin and Monero preferred!
END MUSIC CREDIT: CARNATE BY VOID STARES BACK In the metaphorical blink of an eye, another year is in the books. Individually, we here at the P.A.Z.NIA Consulate hope that it was a productive one in your pursuit of physical, mental, and/or spiritual liberation, and that you’re closer to your…
The following is an audiobook teaser of Ben Stone’s, Anarchist to Abolitionist: A Bad Quaker’s Journey, an original publications of Liberty Under Attack Publications. At present, the only way to acquire this book other than Amazon is digitally — here, or via the full audiobook coming soon. [IMAGE ABOVE: BEN…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I am joined by Richard “Dick” Greaser and Rod Palmer of The Bitcoin Bugle. We cover the most important topics in bitcoin and freedom: the Intellectual Silk Road, how they found their podcast producer, Kailey Welch, the importance of credentialed journalists, if there…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we’ll revisit a couple of Kyle’s articles from the 2016 (S)election Cycle to refresh ourselves on just how little things have changed in the servile society… And to reiterate how if one truly wants to “save the world”, they must save themselves first.…
Our AI co-host, Brian Freerobot, comes to you with a quick message from The Vonu Podcast regarding the fast approaching selection. The thing is, we don’t have anything to say that we haven’t said 1000 times already, really. Shocker, I know. [The image above is from a 2016 episode of…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on Gabriel Custodiet’s Watchman Privacy Podcast. We cover a lot, but the ultimate theme is how to escape and live free of the servile society, the First Realm. His full show notes serve as a great show…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch another INNOVATOR Sample Selection, from the now-concluded archiving project. These articles come from the December 1966 issue. ARTICLE LIST: Eventually, all of INNOVATOR will be released in paperback format via Liberty Under Attack Publications. EMAIL [email protected] & SEE HOW WE CAN…
Thank you so much to everyone that was a part of this liberating event! Special Thanks To: Excited to see all that transpires in the next year…but until then… Join us in the Second Realm: PAZNIA.COM EMAIL [email protected] & SEE HOW WE CAN HELP YOU SHARE YOUR STORY! HEALTH LIBERATION/SELF-LIBERATION…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I’m joined by Gabriel Custodiet and Urban Hacker from Escape The Technocracy. Herein, we discuss Linux, their thoughts on the Intel Management Engine & hardware hacking, the pros and cons of SimpleX, Monero privacy, and much more. Please enjoy, and do consider purchasing…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent appearance on the Agorist Nexus Podcast with Brandon. We cover P.A.Z.NIA, vonu, spiritual liberation, the story of Bill Cooper, some ancient history…and much more in this short, yet dense discussion. Please enjoy. SHOW GUIDE: EMAIL [email protected] & SEE HOW…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we convene for a Q&A episode, on a wide variety of self-liberation/vonu topics; and Kyle and I share give some personal updates on things happening, like VonuFest5 (Sept. 30 – Oct. 30)! Please enjoy, and reach out if you have any questions! Cheers.…