About Us

The Vonu Podcast is hosted by Shane Radliff and Kyle Rearden. Learn more about them below.

Shane started LUA in mid-2012 when he was just beginning his research. In February 2015, he started Liberty Under Attack Radio, which was one of his goals for quite a long time. He is a free market anarchist/vonuan and has been interviewed on many other shows in regards to The Freedom Umbrella of Direct Action and the Direct Action Series.

Shane is also the author of Vonu: A Strategy of Self-Liberation, the updated guide to the freedom strategy and philosophy of vonu, published under his outfit, Liberty Under Attack Publications (est. Summer 2018).

He’s currently Building The Second Realm on his 22-acre homestead with his freewife at the Veritas Node of The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, raising goats, lambs, and whatever other poultry he can keep from the natural predators, in addition to many other avenues of self-sufficiency.


Kyle Rearden is a blogger, podcaster, and former videographer who started The Last Bastille Blog in 2011. He is the author of two books, An Illusive Phantom of Hope: A Critique of Reformism and Just Below the Surface: A Guide to Security Culture, both published by LUA Publications. During the concluding episode of LUA’s Direct Action Series, he announced that he had changed his (anti-)political ideology to that of vonuism, becoming the first publicly known vonuist in over 40 years. Whenever he is not spreading the good word of vonu to his fellow American political dissidents, Rearden is hard at work on his third book tentatively entitled, The King Can Do No Wrong: Why and How Rulers Use Lawfare to Perpetuate Tyranny Against Their Own Citizenries.