TVP #212: [The Free Isles Project] An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance (#FREEAUDIOBOOK)

TVP #212: [The Free Isles Project] An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance (#FREEAUDIOBOOK)

The following is a joint Vonu Podcast – Liberty Under Attack Publications production. [FREE PDF DOWNLOAD] The Free Isles Project: An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance Table of Contents Eventually, this will be the released in paperback format via Liberty Under Attack Publications, but…

TVP #213: Competitive Dispute Resolution (A Preform-Inform Confidential, Nov. 1963)

TVP #213: Competitive Dispute Resolution (A Preform-Inform Confidential, Nov. 1963)

The following is a chapter excerpt from the soon-to-come audiobook, Free Isles: An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance. DOWNLOAD THE PDF: VONUPODCAST.COM/CDR DOWNLOAD THE PDF: VONUPODCAST.COM/CDR (TVP #212, the full audiobook, will come next.) Herein, “Gill” explores and elucidates an early theoretical design of…

TVP #123: [Tapping Into #Bitcoin Privacy] #Taproot & Wasabi Wallet 2.0 w/ Max Hillebrand

TVP #123: [Tapping Into #Bitcoin Privacy] #Taproot & Wasabi Wallet 2.0 w/ Max Hillebrand

[NOTE/UPDATE (6/25/2022): After zKSnacks’ announcement that they were going to begin working with ChainAnalysis companies on blacklisting certain UTXO’s from entering their coordinated CoinJoin, I can no longer in good conscience recommend Wasabi Wallet; and further, I certainly advise against vonuans utilizing their service. Even if the wallet itself is…