TVP #148: Christianity, The Bible, Natural Law, Anarchy, & Contentions with Modern Marriage with Paul Rosenberg (A 2018 LUA Radio Classic)

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I re-release another 2018 episode of LUA Radio with Renaissance man & crypto-anarchist, Paul Rosenberg, this one recorded live/in-person at a fellow anarchist’s house in Chicago. Herein, we cover additional themes found in his fiction book, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, specifically issues…

TVP #127: The State of Self-Liberation w/ Smuggler, Derrick Broze, Brian Sovryn, Max Hillebrand, Jamin Biconik, Sek/Penguin, & More (200th Episode Special)

TVP #127: The State of Self-Liberation w/ Smuggler, Derrick Broze, Brian Sovryn, Max Hillebrand, Jamin Biconik, Sek/Penguin, & More (200th Episode Special)

For this 200th episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome a killer panel of self-liberators from across a wide variety of specialties & geographies to get their take on the development & progress of liberation & vonu over the past couple of years…and their outlook on the future. Featuring: Smuggler,…

TVP Intermission #66: [Jitsi] An Open Source & Encrypted Alternative to Zoom and Skype (& The Like)

TVP Intermission #66: [Jitsi] An Open Source & Encrypted Alternative to Zoom and Skype (& The Like)

Something I’ve stressed at length in recent “creations” (videos, articles, or otherwise) is the importance and advantage of bringing one’s actions in alignment with their principles. Whether we’re talking about the physical or, in this case, the ever-populated digital realm, this holds true. And with many interactions now taking place…