In this short excerpt from TVP #154, I talk with Greg from the Meadows & Makers Podcast about The GhostPhones now on offer via Liberty Under Attack Publications. Anonymous Silent.Link phone numbers paid in bitcoin Competition in the mobile privacy space User-friendliness has made it to open source A primer…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on the Makers and Meadows Podcast with Greg (@GregMakesStuff). We talked vonu, The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, vetting & other security culture principles to keep in mind when building intentional communities/the Second Realm, and much more (see…
🕊️TITLE: The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA [“Not A Coercive Shithole”]🕊️A P.A.Z.NIA Department of Tourism Production (featuring Lucky, The Goat!) THE DIGITAL HOME OF #THEFREEREPUBLIC
🕊️Agenda Items: (1) The Great P.A.Z.NIA Bitcoin Mines, (2) Relocating The P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence Chat, & More?🕊️Panel Members: Jamin Biconik, Alex Dischinger, Brian Sovryn, Josiah Warren, & YOU(?) Year 2 is for expanding this Second Realm Network in both physical and digital space & time. And to brainstorm said…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I re-release Bill Cooper’s 1997 Porterville Presentation, one of the first of his I ever came across that set me on this path. In this 10+ hour presentation (condensed to be a couple hours shorter), he covers a wide, wide variety of topics,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back my friend, Matthew Raymer, a software developer/entrepreneur at Anomalist Design and co-founder of Herein, we get an update on those projects and what Matt’s been up to the past couple of years; life in the Philippines; his long history…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Alex Dischinger (@TucsonBitcoin) joins me to talk about The Great P.A.Z.NIAN Bitcoin Mines. More specifically, we cover the basics of bitcoin mining; solo mining vs. mining pools; the logisitics of a distributed mining network; the impact breakthrough/”free” energy will have on mining/bitcoin, and…
On this exploration of spiritual self-liberation, I’m joined by Raffael, one of the hosts of the #TeamRabbitHole podcast. Herein, he fills us is on his journey/path, significant influences & breakthroughs, and we finish with a discussion on false timelines/historical resets… And the importance of understanding our history, our ancestry, and…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear (or watch!) my recent guest appearance on #TeamRabbitHole with Jim and Raffael. Herein, I cover my entire path to where I am today, building P.A.Z.NIA, and overall, we discuss the importance of spiritual self-liberation (and a bit of conspiracy!). Please enjoy!…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I re-release another 2018 episode of LUA Radio with Renaissance man & crypto-anarchist, Paul Rosenberg, this one recorded live/in-person at a fellow anarchist’s house in Chicago. Herein, we cover additional themes found in his fiction book, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, specifically issues…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch an LUA Radio Classic, originally recorded on February 11th, 2018. Herein, I was joined by the great, long-time crypto-anarchist, Paul Rosenberg, to talk about his path into the crypto-anarchy/cypherpunk sphere, his fiction book, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, and more ways…
Step up your security culture today with a new GhostPad, courtesy of Liberty Under Attack Publications & the hardware hacking expertise of our friend, Jamin Biconik! Four GhostPad models are now available — a few different versions of the classic Lenovo T420 ThinkPad, as well as the W520, the most…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back Brian Sovryn, host of the Sovryn Tech Podcast. Herein, we get an update on the tech world (and Sovryn Tech!), a 2022 Dark Android update, his coming van nomad tech loadout, and generally speaking, more ways in which to fortify…