On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch a condensed re-release of TVP #29, wherein Kyle Rearden and I went the deepest we’ve really gone on the topic of pursuing vonu/self-liberation in a city setting. Hopefully, this re-release will start conversations back up in this realm of freedom seeking…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome @SamouraiWallet (Twitter), a co-founder of the bitcoin privacy wallet, Samourai. Herein, we learn about SW’s long background/history working in bitcoin, the cypherpunk/vonuan origins & maintenance of Samourai, Whirlpool, CoinJoins, Coin Control, & other features of the wallet, TxTenna & off-grid bitcoin……
[A P.A.Z.NIA Dept. of Health/Wellness Announcement] NEW OFFERING: Medical Astrology with MercuryMind
We’re always on the lookout for amazing, efficacious methodologies & tools to add to our P.A.Z.NIA Department of Health & Wellness — the AquaCure fit the most recent addition, until Thomas, a medical astrologer, reached out to me in hopes of offering his services to the larger P.A.Z.NIAN Network. If…
In this excerpt from TVP Intermission #65 (Aug. 3, 2021), you’ll catch a condensed version of a guest appearance on Brett Veinotte’s School Sucks Podcast with Joe Moutard, one of the organizers of the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest. Herein, I introduce the SSP audience to vonu & P.A.Z.NIA, and…
In this excerpt from TVP #146 with Brian Sovryn: CHECK OUT THE FULL EPISODE: ~~~ HEALTH LIBERATION/SELF-LIBERATION SPECIAL OFFER: Interested in your own AquaCure? Save $125 with coupon code “vonu“, and help support the P.A.Z.NIA Department of Health/Wellness at the same time! ~~~ Subscribe to the LUA Publications/Vonu Email Newsletter…and…
On this #Vonu Podcast excerpt, I talk with Greg Doud (@GregMakesStuff) about the roots of The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, our current plans, and future visions of a decentralized parallel network, founded upon Truth, peace, & voluntaryism. I also cover some definitions and the comprehensive nature of the Second Realm.…
Note: The following is an email newsletter, reposted here in podcast & video format. To subscribe, click here. Hello from #TheFreeRepublic! My apologies for the lack of content & communication the past month — spring/summer brought lots on in the physical realm as was expected, but it’s been a bit…
In this excerpt from TVP #135, Electric Universe pioneer, Wal Thornhill, covers: Check out the full episode, or find the entire archive by searching for “The Vonu Podcast” on your favorite podcatcher. ~~~ HEALTH LIBERATION/SELF-LIBERATION SPECIAL OFFER: Interested in your own AquaCure? Save $125 with coupon code “vonu“, and help…
On this excerpt from TVP #150 with Raffael of #TeamRabbitHole, we cover the importance of energy in this realm, some case studies demonstrating the First Realm’s constant suppression of it, and the new shift towards centralized, still coercive, yet “renewable” solutions as the scam becomes more apparent. Please enjoy this…
In this short excerpt from Vonu Podcast #125 with Regan Keely, I cover the importance of approaching spirituality, liberation, & life in general with a holistic approach… And how this Manhattan-style, society-wide compartmentalization leads to a potential alchemical transformation: the breaking apart, the purification, and the grand reunification to whatever…
On this Vonu Podcast excerpt, George talks about when he first discovered Brown’s Gas, what it might be, & the current research being done by the University of Washington & others. Check out the full episode and consider picking up your own AquaCure — you can save $125 with coupon…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome inventor & free energy/alternative health pioneer, George Wiseman. Herein, we hear George’s incredible, inspiring story, we talk about the miraculous AquaCure, the health benefits of molecular hydrogen & Brown’s Gas, what Brown’s Gas actually is… And using the same technology (as…
In this excerpt, Jamin and another Assembly participant discuss the dangers of metadata by way of a geopolitical example currently transpiring in the Ukraine…and the many ways in which said data is collected and used against individuals. This is the main reason we are bypassing Matrix as a potential option…