On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back Sky Huddleston, breakthrough energy engineer & entrepreneur. Herein, he gives us an update on the Liberator Rocket Heater business, the coming Tesla Turbine (enabling you to be 100% off-grid energy-wise with the same thing you use for heat); we discuss…
Category: Vonu Basics
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my guest appearance over on George Papp’s, Renegade Lifestyle Podcast. George is a former investment banker turned freedom pioneer, and now delivers solutions to his audience & subscribers to assist them in exiting Babylon, too. Here’s his show description: Rayo, Founder…
The following is an audiobook teaser of Matthew Wojtecki’s, freedom-focused thriller, BRUSHFIRE, narrated by Silas Soule, & published via Liberty Under Attack Publications. ~~~ PURCHASE THE AUDIOBOOK! GET THE AUDIOBOOK FOR FREE!* [Affiliate link special offer.*] ~~~ BRUSHFIRE DESCRIPTION: Do you ever feel like something is not quite right with…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on the Duty to Protect Podcast with Pete Eyre. Herein, I introduce vonu to his audience, present some strategies to forego the possibility of conflict & coercion, and cover a few other subjects I don’t get the…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome Rex, a gentleman I came across in the P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence a little while back. We had a chance to chat a few weeks ago, and as he described his project and vision, all I could think about were all…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back Sek McGora, a co-host of The Agora Podcast. Herein, we discuss the recent P.A.Z.Fest he hosted at his place & other events in the Second Realm; he shares some knowledge on rainwater collection and composting; he provides some information on…
On this episode of The #Vonu Podcast, I welcome Cory Hughes, a historical researcher, to the show to talk about his work on the JFK assassination, with a focus on the involvement & actions of Kerry Thornley, an old colleague of Rayo & editor of INNOVATOR/OCEAN FREEDOM NOTES. Cory was…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome George Papp, a co-founder of The Conscious Renegade, on for a discussion about his journey to self-liberation. A former investment banker, 2020 was the catalyst for his exit from the First Realm. Since then, he’s been building up valuable digital skills…
The following is a presentation put together by our friend, AnarkioCrypto, on how to survive outside the state with agorism. Fair and free markets for food, jobs, housing, healthcare, mail, sim cards & more – no government ID or state permit required. Please enjoy…and see you in the Second Realm!…
The following is an article taken from Self-Liberation Notes, originally published in 1991 by Frieda Linkbetter. Herein, she covers some good tactics and reminders in the realm of privacy, security culture, and vetting associates. Please enjoy, and always remember, vonu is yours for the making and the Second Realm is…
The following is a short article I found in the May 1966 edition of INNOVATOR by a self-liberator who went by the nym of J.E.T. This was another I found worthy of republishing here in article, audio, and video format. Please enjoy, and always remember, vonu is yours for the…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch a panel discussion I had the pleasure of being a part of over on Agora: The Podcast, hosted by Sek & Penguin. We discussed how food is used as a weapon of physical & mental control, and how it can also…
Introduction With vonu and the strategy of building the Second Realm becoming more well-known and practiced, this also means that misconceptions about them both have abounded, as well as some confusion on how they interplay with each other as tools in the liberation toolbelt. We’ll cover those first. Then, just…