On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane & Kyle discuss a concept proposed by Rayo known as avenging angels, defined as: An individual who is contractually obliged to carry out selective counterattacks on behalf of a victim who cannot stop it once it has begun. This agreement must be…
Category: Ethical Enclaves
Throughout history, there have been inventions that have shifted the balance of power from the rulers to the subjects–for example, the invention of the crossbow, guns, and now, crypto-anarchism–that is, encryption, crypto-currencies, and blockchain technology more generally. That said, what did Rayo have to say about it? What sorts of…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle conclude their miniseries on what Rayo called Local Areas of Liberty. They recap ethical enclaves, free isles/free ports, local congregations, and intentional communities, order them based off their subjective preferences, and more. Please enjoy and share!
An intentional community can be defined as, “…a group of people who have chosen to live together with a common purpose, working cooperatively to create a lifestyle that reflects their shared core values. The people may live together on a piece of rural land, in a suburban home, or in…
As was discussed in part one of this episode, with each new law and regulation, the opportunities to profit from black and grey market trading increase. Rayo put it this way: Big Brother already has 60 million laws and regulations or so. If all laws were consistently enforced, almost every…
With each new law and regulation passed, the opportunities to profit from black and grey market trading increase. The practice of this is more commonly known as agorism, but it didn’t originate from Samuel Edward Konkin III. Rather, it originated from Rayo with what he called ethical enclaves: “An ethical…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we present one final, relevant historical connection before getting to season two. First, you will hear an article Shane wrote a couple of weeks ago titled, Samuel Konkin III (SEK3) on Rayo and Vonu: Different Approaches? Reason being, we want to make sure…
Author’s Note: Four articles by Samuel Konkin will be referenced in this article. Click here to view them. Get Rayo’s book for FREE in PDF/audiobook format HERE! http://www.libertyunderattack.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/KonkinRayoSDFINAL.mp3 Download this spoken discourse. (MP3) | Download this article (PDF). If you were a libertarian/anarchist in the 1960s and 70s, southern California…
Editor’s Note: The following is a collection of four articles by Samuel Konkin III (SEK3), which were published in the Southern Libertarian Review from January-June 1975. This post will serve as a link-back for an article I will write regarding the above title—there’s not a whole lot to go off…