On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear a June 4th, 2018, LUA Radio broadcast titled Mapping The Second Realm. I invited a Steemit user, JoeSal, onto the podcast; Joe came across the concept of the Second Realm and made his own contributions in the form of some posts…
Author: vonu2017
In this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle Rearden and I conclude our Building The Second Realm series, at least for now. We begin with an overview and introduction to the terrific crypto-agorist/Second Realm novella, #agora, and provide you with our concluding thoughts. As Smuggler and XYZ wrote, “Our strategy for liberty is…
It is our goal that this series convinced you of the efficacy in pursuing this freedom strategy and motivates you to begin building these free, autonomous zones. If we were successful in our mission, you may be asking, “This sounds great guys, but what the hell am I supposed to…
Technology is a double-edged sword; it can be used to build and maintain physical/digital Second Realms in pursuance of freedom and autonomy, but it can also be a dangerous tool in the hands of tyrants. Thankfully, crypto-anarchists are far better at technology than your average government agent, which puts us…
On this previously live episode of The Vonu Podcast, I provide you with some homestead updates and formally announce The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA. More specifically, I cover: My short- and long-term homestead plans Short-term: Rabbits/quail + cages Short-term: New home for chickens Long-term: Connect to off-grid well water Some…
[Pockets of Freedom in Physical Space & Time #1] [Pockets of Freedom in Physical Space & Time #2] Full Series List The Temporary Autonomous Zone Revisited #1: The Philosophy of The First Realm #2: The Philosophy & Culture of The Second Realm #3: The Second Realm, Vonu, & Agorism (Compared/Contrasted)…
As I’ve mentioned at least a couple of times (and as per the intro/outro clips), I’ve been digging back through the work of the late Bill Cooper. This led me back to Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, a pretty revealing document originally found in Bill’s book, Behold A Pale Horse.…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back IvanTheTroll. Ivan is a member of the decentralized gun group, Deterrence Dispensed, a group who has been pioneering the development of fully functional, 3D-printed firearms. Herein, we discuss: The current legal paradigm compared to a year ago; What’s new with…
In the near future, freedom pioneers and freedom seekers will have protected temporary autonomous zones to exercise their autonomy to the fullest, without the risk or threat of First Realm/bludgie intervention (some of these exist today, actually). Having these Second Realms will be a giant leap forward for the cause…
Most everyone is familiar with organized criminal syndicates, whether it be the mafia, the mob, the Yakuza, etc. They are typically viewed as violent, chaotic, criminal organizations constantly under attack and surveillance by the federal government. The latter may be the most truthful accusation leveled, but believe it or not,…
Back in the 1960s, Rayo came up with the concept of import-export, a form of one-directional isolation wherein a vonuan can maintain access to the servile society’s open-but-not-free trading centers while denying them access to a vonuan’s home base. Reason being, an alternative economy did not yet exist, and therefore,…
On this episode of The #Vonu Podcast, Jason and I discuss the recently launched, “Capital Hill Autonomous Zone” (#CHAZ). We fill you in on the happenings, provide you with our thoughts/initial concerns, positives, and lessons learned. About an hour in in, BloodedTheBrave/Kyle Reese/Brent Elias joined us, as he has known…
On this intermission show of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear an episode of LUA Radio from January 3rd, 2016. Herein, Gary Hunt joined me to discuss Committees of Safety and Security Teams, two possible ways of organizing locally. Committees of Safety can be defined as mutual self-defense associations that also…