On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we return to the topic of privacy, bitcoin, & ChainAnalysis coercion, and go deep into the deeply troubling legal case of Roman Sterlingov. Roman was an early bitcoin adopter, who started using a DeepWeb mixer, Bitcoin Fog. Without a shred of evidence and…
Tag: Bitcoin
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I’m joined by Juraj Bednar, co-founder of Paralelni Polis in Prague, author of CRYPTOCURRENCIES: HACK YOUR WAY TO A BETTER LIFE, and all around, a freedom pioneer truly living a Second Realm, vonu lifestyle. Herein, he gives us his backstory, the background behind…
The following is an audiobook excerpt from Juraj Bednar’s above-titled book, recently listed in the Liberty Under Attack Publications catalog. The chapters are titled: Juraj is the co-founder of Paralelni Polis, the Institute of Crypto-Anarchy, in Prague. They have a bitcoin cafe, workshops, and host a yearly conference, Hackers Congress,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome George Papp, a co-founder of The Conscious Renegade, on for a discussion about his journey to self-liberation. A former investment banker, 2020 was the catalyst for his exit from the First Realm. Since then, he’s been building up valuable digital skills…
The following is a presentation put together by our friend, AnarkioCrypto, on how to survive outside the state with agorism. Fair and free markets for food, jobs, housing, healthcare, mail, sim cards & more – no government ID or state permit required. Please enjoy…and see you in the Second Realm!…
[Editor’s Note: The following is a guide contributed by @TucsonBitcoin on how agorism/agorists can interact with Bitcoin mining. I provided light proofreading assistance and added a conclusion, otherwise, all original content is his! Big thanks to him for the submission — I know it helped me to think bigger when…
Note: The following is an email newsletter, reposted here in podcast & video format. To subscribe, click here. Hello from #TheFreeRepublic! My apologies for the lack of content & communication the past month — spring/summer brought lots on in the physical realm as was expected, but it’s been a bit…
🕊️Agenda Items: (1) The Great P.A.Z.NIA Bitcoin Mines, (2) Relocating The P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence Chat, & More?🕊️Panel Members: Jamin Biconik, Alex Dischinger, Brian Sovryn, Josiah Warren, & YOU(?) Year 2 is for expanding this Second Realm Network in both physical and digital space & time. And to brainstorm said…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Alex Dischinger (@TucsonBitcoin) joins me to talk about The Great P.A.Z.NIAN Bitcoin Mines. More specifically, we cover the basics of bitcoin mining; solo mining vs. mining pools; the logisitics of a distributed mining network; the impact breakthrough/”free” energy will have on mining/bitcoin, and…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch an LUA Radio Classic, originally recorded on February 11th, 2018. Herein, I was joined by the great, long-time crypto-anarchist, Paul Rosenberg, to talk about his path into the crypto-anarchy/cypherpunk sphere, his fiction book, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, and more ways…
The following are two essays from Paul Rosenberg’s fiction book titled, A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, which I highly recommend every vonuan/anarchist/crypto-agorist read. Herein, James Farber, one of the main characters, published an opinion piece in the New York Times discussing the problem of coercion, the negative impact it has…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch the 2048 Book Release Party, originally hosted live on Jitsi. Herein, we announce the official release of the 2048 & talk with Matthew about the book, the writing process, and how the ideas/concepts therein can lead to actual freedom & liberation…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on the Toxic Airwaves Podcast, a bitcoin call-in livestream show. I talked about my history/path here, the Second Realm Network we’re building at The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, and throughout the discussion, provided a broad overview on…