Dwelling Portably (May 1994 Issue)

Dwelling Portably (May 1994 Issue)

Below, you will find the shortest, and I believe to be, final publication from the batch we’ve been busy getting digitized–this one is called Dwelling Portably [sic], published by Bert and Holly Davis. To provide some background information, Bert and Holly pursued an interesting, and quite radical vonu lifestyle–for many…

TVP #30: Self-Liberational Media

TVP #30: Self-Liberational Media

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and Shane discuss a little-mentioned topic by Rayo: self-liberational media (SLM). This can be defined as: Independently published content for either mass consumption or a niche market; such media is ingrained with the DIY ethic. They first begin by getting caught up…