On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I conclude our miniseries on financial independence with a discussion on entrepreneurial start-ups and intensive saving (most riskiest and least riskiest, respectively). New to vonu? START HERE! We cover the benefits and drawbacks of both, helpful tips and suggestions, which route…
On this (late) episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I present you with another path to financial independence: starting your own lifestyle business. Briefly, a lifestyle business is a venture that allows the entrepreneur to live how he or she wants to live now, while running the company. In…
We launched Season 2 with a discussion on what Rayo had to say about the subject of financial independence. He suggested things like nest eggs, freelancing, and temporary jobs, but what about today? New to vonu? START HERE! The advent of the Internet (and blockchain technology) opens up vonuans to…
Over the years, many freedom-seekers have attempted to use legal loopholes in the law to their advantage. The lucky ones have been successful, many have been outright wrong, and some have made such drastic mistakes so as to end up in prison, examples being the so-called “sovereign citizens” and Irwin…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we dive head first into Season 3 with a discussion on how to exorcise those collectivist spooks, once and for all. Keep in mind, this won’t happen overnight and it will require constant checking–the propaganda and indoctrination most individuals have faced has been…
Season 3 is here! In this introductory episode, Kyle and I give you an even better idea of what to expect in this current season, such as topics that we will cover in-depth and our objectives/purpose. Before we dive into the main content, you will also hear an analysis of…
Learning about Rayo’s pursuit of vonu has obviously been great and highly valuable. We have sure learned a ton and have gleaned a lot of insight as to how we are going about our own personal pursuit of this freedom strategy. We hope you have too. New to vonu? START…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle come to you with another intermission episode. They return to the vonu publication, Self-Liberation Notes, to discuss an article by Jim Stumm titled, “Levels of Dependency in Conventional Lifestyles.” New to vonu? START HERE! Herein, Jim goes through three fairly…
Self-seeking can be defined as: “A continuing informal exploration of various ways for realizing greater personal opportunity in the present world.” If that doesn’t describe Rayo’s life (as we know it), I don’t know what does. It was also the main task for this season 2 of The Vonu Podcast;…
Below, you will find the shortest, and I believe to be, final publication from the batch we’ve been busy getting digitized–this one is called Dwelling Portably [sic], published by Bert and Holly Davis. To provide some background information, Bert and Holly pursued an interesting, and quite radical vonu lifestyle–for many…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and Shane discuss a little-mentioned topic by Rayo: self-liberational media (SLM). This can be defined as: Independently published content for either mass consumption or a niche market; such media is ingrained with the DIY ethic. They first begin by getting caught up…
We’ve gotten quite a few new listeners and figured it would be wise to get back to the basics and provide action steps one can take if they are just starting out in their pursuit of voneunce. Furthermore, there may be some long-time listeners who are digging the podcasts and…
Editor’s Note: The following is an article by Rayo from VonuLife, March 1973. Herein, he covers some hindrances that may arise when someone begins their path to vonuism, as well as recommendations for those already on the path. It will serve as a supplementary article for an upcoming episode, but…