Introduction With vonu and the strategy of building the Second Realm becoming more well-known and practiced, this also means that misconceptions about them both have abounded, as well as some confusion on how they interplay with each other as tools in the liberation toolbelt. We’ll cover those first. Then, just…
Tag: Second Realm
In this age of technological totalitarianism, the main method of control, identification, and coercion is the smartphone, and more generally, these Babylon tools of digital slavery. Many have failed to realize how much freedom has truly been lost…well, it’s true. I didn’t fully realize it until I began my transition…
The following is an excerpt from TVP #159 with Jamin Biconik, wherein we went deep into The GhostSystem, a suite of privacy-enhancing products to drastically increase your invulnerability to coercion. In this clip, he discusses his longstanding motivations and covers the most important elements of The GhostSystem brand to note.…
[A P.A.Z.NIA Dept. of Health/Wellness Announcement] NEW OFFERING: Medical Astrology with MercuryMind
We’re always on the lookout for amazing, efficacious methodologies & tools to add to our P.A.Z.NIA Department of Health & Wellness — the AquaCure fit the most recent addition, until Thomas, a medical astrologer, reached out to me in hopes of offering his services to the larger P.A.Z.NIAN Network. If…
In this excerpt from TVP Intermission #65 (Aug. 3, 2021), you’ll catch a condensed version of a guest appearance on Brett Veinotte’s School Sucks Podcast with Joe Moutard, one of the organizers of the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest. Herein, I introduce the SSP audience to vonu & P.A.Z.NIA, and…
On this #Vonu Podcast excerpt, I talk with Greg Doud (@GregMakesStuff) about the roots of The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, our current plans, and future visions of a decentralized parallel network, founded upon Truth, peace, & voluntaryism. I also cover some definitions and the comprehensive nature of the Second Realm.…
Note: The following is an email newsletter, reposted here in podcast & video format. To subscribe, click here. Hello from #TheFreeRepublic! My apologies for the lack of content & communication the past month — spring/summer brought lots on in the physical realm as was expected, but it’s been a bit…
TVP #155: P.A.Z.NIA Second Realm Assembly #1 (w/ Brian Sovryn, Jamin Biconik, Josiah Warren, & More)
On this first ever P.A.Z.NIA Second Realm Assembly, a cast of self-liberators join me to discuss a few pressing digital, technological docket items: 1) Relocating the Committee of Correspondence (C.o.C.) from Telegram, and 2) The P.A.Z.NIA General Bitcoin Fund (& other related bitcoin matters) And as you’ll ascertain from checking…
In this short excerpt from TVP #154, I talk with Greg from the Meadows & Makers Podcast about The GhostPhones now on offer via Liberty Under Attack Publications. Anonymous Silent.Link phone numbers paid in bitcoin Competition in the mobile privacy space User-friendliness has made it to open source A primer…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on the Makers and Meadows Podcast with Greg (@GregMakesStuff). We talked vonu, The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, vetting & other security culture principles to keep in mind when building intentional communities/the Second Realm, and much more (see…
🕊️TITLE: The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA [“Not A Coercive Shithole”]🕊️A P.A.Z.NIA Department of Tourism Production (featuring Lucky, The Goat!) THE DIGITAL HOME OF #THEFREEREPUBLIC
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back my friend, Matthew Raymer, a software developer/entrepreneur at Anomalist Design and co-founder of Herein, we get an update on those projects and what Matt’s been up to the past couple of years; life in the Philippines; his long history…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear (or watch!) my recent guest appearance on #TeamRabbitHole with Jim and Raffael. Herein, I cover my entire path to where I am today, building P.A.Z.NIA, and overall, we discuss the importance of spiritual self-liberation (and a bit of conspiracy!). Please enjoy!…