A common thread throughout anarchism/libertarianism is the eventual arrival at some utopian, free society. The idea is that if “we” focus “our” efforts on educating individuals on economics, morality, history, etc., “we” can hit critical mass, abolish the State, and live happily ever after. While this “free world” is a…
Tag: Second Realm
This is the video highlighting our liberating Thanksgiving weekend here at The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA. Includes images/videos from our lamb processing, garlic clove planting, trail blazing, and more. Music is Discoveries by Northlane. An article report of this [Report From A Vonuan] can be found at Agorist Nexus (link…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I release a special conversation I had with Smuggler, Max Hillebrand, & others at the Hackers Congress 58+ hour digital live event this year (2020). We began the discussion on vonu (including Smuggler’s take!), the Second Realm, shipping container TAZ’s, and much more.…
On this special live episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome Max Hillebrand back to the podcast. We had him on for episode #59 (The Proliferation of Bitcoin Privacy/Security Tools), as well as #64 (Living on Bitcoin – Max’s Unbanking Journey). In this discussion, we: Hear about Max’s van nomad…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear the audio version of my newest article from a series I’m writing over at the Agorist Nexus website titled, Surveying The Second Realm. You can find the articles/audio for #1 & #2 here. Herein, I discuss the liberating philosophy and culture of the Second Realm.…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear the audio versions of two articles from a new series I’m writing over at the Agorist Nexus website titled, Surveying The Second Realm. [WATCH ON BITCHUTE] The idea is to condense our 10+ episode, 15+ hour Building The Second Realm series…
While, by name, the concept and strategy of building Second Realms is particularly recent, this strategy and the underlying principles/anti-coercion philosophy seem to be as ancient as Jesus, possibly even as far back as to the great grandfather of Noah. Which, when you think about it, makes perfect sense, considering…
Governments and their technocratic counterparts have illegitimately laid claim to the vast majority of land here on Planet Earth, and have subsequently imposed draconian control upon essentially all potential methods of travel – by plane, train, or automobile, it need not matter. This was indeed the case before 2020, but…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we begin with an article by Rayo taken from the Spring 1969 edition of INNOVATOR titled, Self-Liberation Ways: A Compilation and Evaluation (full article below). Then, using his suggestions as starting points, we talk a bit about potential Second Realms/secure vonu home bases…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear a June 4th, 2018, LUA Radio broadcast titled Mapping The Second Realm. I invited a Steemit user, JoeSal, onto the podcast; Joe came across the concept of the Second Realm and made his own contributions in the form of some posts…
In this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle Rearden and I conclude our Building The Second Realm series, at least for now. We begin with an overview and introduction to the terrific crypto-agorist/Second Realm novella, #agora, and provide you with our concluding thoughts. As Smuggler and XYZ wrote, “Our strategy for liberty is…
Technology is a double-edged sword; it can be used to build and maintain physical/digital Second Realms in pursuance of freedom and autonomy, but it can also be a dangerous tool in the hands of tyrants. Thankfully, crypto-anarchists are far better at technology than your average government agent, which puts us…
[Pockets of Freedom in Physical Space & Time #1] [Pockets of Freedom in Physical Space & Time #2] Full Series List The Temporary Autonomous Zone Revisited #1: The Philosophy of The First Realm #2: The Philosophy & Culture of The Second Realm #3: The Second Realm, Vonu, & Agorism (Compared/Contrasted)…