On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I reconvene for a slew of personal updates, updates regarding LUA Publications, new P.A.Z.NIA Merch…and close it out with a discussion on P.A.Z.NIA/Second Realm Needs for 2025/Year 5. In other words, how YOU can get involved and help build the Second…
Tag: Second Realm
END MUSIC CREDIT: CARNATE BY VOID STARES BACK In the metaphorical blink of an eye, another year is in the books. Individually, we here at the P.A.Z.NIA Consulate hope that it was a productive one in your pursuit of physical, mental, and/or spiritual liberation, and that you’re closer to your…
Are you a nomad or otherwise “self-contained” self-liberator looking for an opportunity in the Second Realm? If so, we’ve got a stellar opportunity available, whether for an individual, couple, or family, here at the Veritas node of The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA. Whenever we can, we want to bring in…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I give you an end-of-the-year update, excerpted from a recent episode of Agora: The Podcast featuring Sek McGora. I also respond to a couple of “big questions” pertaining to past, present, and future. HEALTH LIBERATION/SELF-LIBERATION SPECIAL OFFER: The Amazing AquaCure! Interested in your…
In this Assembly excerpt, Bastard Chris discusses vonu as a strategy to ensure the continuity of the Second Realm; Rex offers some ideas to make “policing” our pockets of freedom less likely… And once again, lessons from organized crime. [Video Credit: Thank you Fenix Fire Media!] FULL EPISODE: HEALTH LIBERATION/SELF-LIBERATION…
Year 3 is upon us here at The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA… Which means more events in physical space and time, serene scenes of liberation in the Second Realm. All vetted P.A.Z.NIANs and self-liberators are encouraged to attend our first event of the year… Our Spring Gathering from April 13-17.…
Recently, I had the pleasure of catching up with an old friend, Chris Jantzen, in a guest appearance over on his End Evil Podcast. Herein, I provide an update to him and his audience on the state of self-liberation, the happenings at The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, and ways that…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I’m joined by Juraj Bednar, co-founder of Paralelni Polis in Prague, author of CRYPTOCURRENCIES: HACK YOUR WAY TO A BETTER LIFE, and all around, a freedom pioneer truly living a Second Realm, vonu lifestyle. Herein, he gives us his backstory, the background behind…
The following is an audiobook excerpt from Juraj Bednar’s above-titled book, recently listed in the Liberty Under Attack Publications catalog. The chapters are titled: Juraj is the co-founder of Paralelni Polis, the Institute of Crypto-Anarchy, in Prague. They have a bitcoin cafe, workshops, and host a yearly conference, Hackers Congress,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my guest appearance over on George Papp’s, Renegade Lifestyle Podcast. George is a former investment banker turned freedom pioneer, and now delivers solutions to his audience & subscribers to assist them in exiting Babylon, too. Here’s his show description: Rayo, Founder…
The following is an audiobook teaser of Matthew Wojtecki’s, freedom-focused thriller, BRUSHFIRE, narrated by Silas Soule, & published via Liberty Under Attack Publications. ~~~ PURCHASE THE AUDIOBOOK! GET THE AUDIOBOOK FOR FREE!* [Affiliate link special offer.*] ~~~ BRUSHFIRE DESCRIPTION: Do you ever feel like something is not quite right with…
[Editor’s Note: The following is an article by Smuggler or XYZ that I recently re-stumbled across after a number of years. Since it had been awhile, the content was really fresh for me and puts into words a lot of important background and foundational work pertaining to the Second Realm.…
The following is an article taken from Self-Liberation Notes, originally published in 1991 by Frieda Linkbetter. Herein, she covers some good tactics and reminders in the realm of privacy, security culture, and vetting associates. Please enjoy, and always remember, vonu is yours for the making and the Second Realm is…