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In the metaphorical blink of an eye, another year is in the books. Individually, we here at the P.A.Z.NIA Consulate hope that it was a productive one in your pursuit of physical, mental, and/or spiritual liberation, and that you’re closer to your goals than you were before. And of course, we hope this past year brought you happiness and love, despite the continued degeneration of the First Realm, the servile society.

Speaking in terms of vonu and in terms of developments within The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, there’s a lot to look back on, a lot to be thankful for as this year comes to a close. Let’s take a moment to reflect on what has been accomplished this year.
P.A.Z.NIA Milestones
*January 2024 brought forth the creation of the vetted P.A.Z.NIA Map & Directory (see example below), The Monero General (Mutual Aid) Fund, P.A.Z.NIAlist (the craigslist of the Second Realm), and an overall re-design of the website.

*In April, we experienced The Great P.A.Z.NIAN Eclipse! Self-liberators came out to Veritas to witness the spectacle from “Little Egypt”, extremely close to totality.
*In April/May, my father and I began building the “forever fence” here at the homestead and moved the ruminants over. The main shelter and first grazing areas are complete. Soon, we’ll have another big paddock/grazing area, gates at the entrance to the property, and milking stations inside the big shed (fresh goat and lamb milk is close!).
*Summer brought a few Second Realm gatherings here at Veritas. Great times were had, valuable connections made & further solidified, and lots to learn from those LIVING liberated lifestyles!
*September/October marked VONUFEST5, the fifth premiere gathering of liberation! Paul Rosenberg (LEGENDARY crypto-anarchist), Matt Presti, Gabriel Custodiet (Watchman Privacy podcast), and my “Mystery School Mentor” made it out. “Pat Henry” assisted folks with self-defense training, we processed a dozen corn/soy free chickens, John made us our own Ormus/monoatomic harvesting setup, and Matt Presti delivered an AMAZING talk on Walter Russell & his cosmology. A fellow P.A.Z.NIAN took on a homestead project and re-energized the big shed; lots of other homestead tasks completed too!

In a sentence: not only was it just amazing to spend time with everyone in attendance, the depth of conversation and connection was illuminating in more ways than one…and we got a lot of shit done!
*In November, Jamin delivered on the P.A.Z.NIA GhostServer! Housed in a classic desktop tower, this digital, expandable bad boy is ALREADY the home to:
- P.A.Z.NIA Bitcoin/Lightning and Monero nodes (*connection information coming soon) – don’t connect to a random node, connect to our trusted P.A.Z.NIA nodes!
- A SimpleX Relay – for anyone, here’s another additional connection option; for folks that visit Veritas – create an identity, delete all relays, only add the P.A.Z.NIA one, and now we have our own local chat across the homestead
- The Local P.A.Z.NIA Lbry – connect to the Consulate Internet, and visit a link/scan a QR code and gain access to the P.A.Z.NIA Lbry! Featuring a massive Milton “Bill” Cooper collection; documentaries; a huge unschooling/homeschooling archive; books; Liberty Under Attack Radio archives; music; The Vonu Podcast archives; and a special folder titled “Recommendations from Coordinator Rayo”, which will feature podcasts, videos, book, etc. that I feel are the most important, or that are current focuses of mine.

Coming soon to the P.A.Z.NIA GhostServer:
- Self-hosted BTCPayServer (accepting bitcoin, lightning, and monero payments) on both the LUA Publications and P.A.Z.NIA sites. No third parties, no middlemen, no bullshit.
- A Public P.A.Z.NIA Lbry, accessible via a link like “LBRY.PAZNIA.COM”, hosted/distributed via PeerTube. Essentially, the local Lbry, downloadable and replicable anywhere.
- A Tor-accessible P.A.Z.NIA website
- Probably other things I’m forgetting
*December: HBO Star, Jason Henza, lit a fire under our collective asses to get the extremely important P.A.Z.NIA Unschooling Curriculum discussion going. An initial vision, ideas, and suggestions are being accumulated here.

Vonu Podcast Milestones
*First and foremost, the amount of episodes has greatly decreased. In one sense, I’m extremely thankful for that – the podcast has almost always been about networking/connecting with folks I find I valuable, and now I don’t need networking as much in such a way. They just come out to Veritas now…these connections happen in physical space & time as was ALWAYS the objective.
That said, there’s still plenty of content that will eventually be released, but there’s no rush – audiobooks, a long podcast episode list (both with Kyle Rearden and without), more P.A.Z.NIA Second Realm Assemblies. Just, in due time.
*Early this year, Kyle Rearden made his return to the podcast! It had been nearly 5 years since he made his last appearance. Certainly a huge milestone/noteworthy event!
*Sometime in May or June, I finally finished the MASSIVE vonu/libertarian zine archival project I initially embarked about nearly a decade ago, made huge by acquiring the archive of Jim Stumm (the man who met Rayo!). All of VonuLife, INNOVATOR, Preform-Inform, Ocean Freedom/Ocean Living, et al are digitized and will be released over the coming couple years.
Looking back, this year was definitely unique, but not for really any “exciting” or “sexy” reasons. It was about doing the damn work in physical space and time, whether it was fence building, GhostServer education & implementation, or making valuable, necessary connections for the P.A.Z.NIA Network. It wasn’t “life after Apocalypse” (which just means unveiling, anyway), as many would have predicted a few years back.
The tyranny of the servile society is certainly evolving and progressing, but so are the solutions and potentialities available to us self-liberators. On this note, I recently heard one of the best analogies explaining the universe in which we find ourselves: we’ve all used Microsoft Paint at some time in our lives, I’m sure. You open the software and a blank canvas lies dormant, awaiting for your direction. Within this software, ALL decisions, possibilities, and eventualities are already pre-baked in, but without the generative force of a creative being, it means nothing, just possibilities never acted upon.
So, to conclude this Year 4 and launch us into Year 5…I implore you to continue creating the Second Realm, the P.A.Z.NIA Network, and to begin (or continue!) living and demonstrating these principles of peace, voluntaryism, and truth as much as is safely possible.
Let the light of the Second Realm shine…pseudonymously, of course.

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