Editor’s Note: A couple weeks ago, I received an email from a listener, as I do somewhat often. This wasn’t a normal email, though. Rather, this was another case of a listener taking ideas we posited in the podcast and formulating a real, plausible way of increasing personal freedom —…
Tag: Crypto-Anarchy
Editor’s Note: In July of this year, I published the first draft of the first chapter of a piece of anarchist fiction I’ve been working on. I’m currently about 130 pages through and have written and re-written the hell out of the first two chapters. In this post, you’ll get…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we return to our crypto-anarchism series and to the topic of bitcoin. Joining me for this discussion are the creators of the Nodl, Ketominer and Askuwheteau. We talk about: Their paths to crypto-anarchy; Where they consider themselves ideologically; What role bitcoin plays in…
Welcome back to the five-part series, Thoughts of an Experienced Gun Owner. If you haven’t already, please take a look and review the previous three parts of the series. In part four, I’m going to present as simply as I can, disassembly (dis) & re-assembly (ass) of some common firearms including…
Editor’s Note: Earlier this year, I put up a poll on the LUA Publications Fascistbook page, asking for opinions on the subject matter of my second book. The options at the time were a book on vonu and crypto-anarchy or a direct action guide. The latter overwhelmingly won, but I’ve…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I’m joined by Jamin Biconik to continue our ongoing crypto-anarchism series. In addition to being an unschooling parent and permaculture farmer, Jamin is a hardware hacker, building GhostPads (privacy-focused laptops) and other technological tools that are must-haves for vonuans. More specifically, we discuss:…
Show Notes:Dr. Michael Laufer on TwitterThe Four Thieves Vinegar CollectiveEpiPencil Media Coverage Building The Agora:TheLibertyForge.comAnarchoCoffee.comEnemy of The State’s Dank Pod StashLiberty Under Attack Publications
In this 11th episode of our crypto-anarchism series here on TVP, I invite my friend and colleague, Matthew Raymer, on to talk about Darklance, a project we’re working on together, and ContentSafe, a service he and Darrell Becker are offering to content creators as a solution to de-platforming and censorship.…
[Note: TVP #52 will be coming in the next day or two, I just wanted to get this one out as soon as possible.] In this tenth episode of our crypo-anarchist series, I’m joined by Smuggler, a covert communications expert, from Anarxplex.net and co-author of Second Realm: Book on Strategy.…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I return to our crypto-anarchism series to talk about an innovative, important piece of open-source software: ZeroNet. ZeroNet allows individuals to create decentralized, peer-to-peer, uncensorable websites over the BitTorrent network, and utilizes the cryptography that keeps your Bitcoin wallet secure. PRE-ORDER…
We’re actually quite lucky today when it comes to the availability and treatment of encryption. Throughout the 20th century, when digital encryption was first being developed, governments were terrified: the propagation of encryption throughout the world meant that things would “go dark,” making their job that much more difficult (great!).…