In this intermission episode of the podcast, you’ll catch the final installment of my miniseries over on Coast-To-Coast AM, which I’ve titled The Liberated Lifestyle Chronicles. You’ll catch a number of Vonu Resistance Reports and letters from self-liberators, the years ranging from the 1960’s, up until 2020. The goal was…
Editor’s Note: The following is a guest article submission that I thought extremely worthy of inclusion on this website/podcast feed. The author can be contacted at [email protected] if anyone has comments or wants to recommend Second Realm solutions. He has started a collaborative list of such alternatives here. Big thanks…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome “Omen” to have the long-awaited discussion on vonu in cities. Omen is an individual I met in the P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence Chat, wherein he has highlighted some of his experiences and lessons in pursuing vonu in a city setting. SHOW…
[The following is the P.A.Z.NIA Free Press #3, courtesy of the P.A.Z.NIA Second Realm Broadcasting Network.] This past weekend brought many new additions to the homestead here at Veritas, P.A.Z.NIA in pursuance of our goal of food self-sufficiency. Additional inventory includes: 3 new goats (two females/one male) 6 new heritage turkeys (will…
In this video, you’ll hear clips from my recent guest appearance on the Join The Wasabikas Podcast, hosted by Max Hillebrand. We talked vonu and the Second Realm, and how these strategies liberate the individual and forge a shield of privacy from First Realm coercion. FULL EPISODE:
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on the Join The Wasabikas Podcast, hosted by Max Hillebrand. We talked vonu and the Second Realm, and how these strategies liberate the individual and forge a shield of privacy from First Realm coercion. SHOW GUIDE: An…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear my guest appearance on Chris Jantzen’s, End Evil Podcast. Chris & I have been colleagues/friends for a number of years, first being in an entrepreneurial mastermind group some years back. We recently got back in contact and he invited me onto…
The following is the P.A.Z.NIA Free Press #2, courtesy of the P.A.Z.NIA Second Realm Broadcasting Network. Herein, I cover the newest creation, the P.A.Z.NIA Department of Transportation, the hopeful launch of the Second Realm logistics network. More information is included in the podcast and the document is linked below: PAZ03 [FILED 20210420]…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch another recent guest appearance of mine. This time, I had the pleasure of joining Derrick Broze on Sal Mayweather’s podcast, The Agora. We attempted to answer the question: where is the current state of agorism? And where does that fit into…
Recently, I was invited onto The Agora, a new solutions-based podcast, to talk Second Realm strategy. We began with the recent raid on the Free Talk Live/Keene folks and what that means in terms of strategy (i.e. proxy merchant vs. “legal”/interstices), and then generally, expanded the discussion to the Second…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back Max Hillebrand to the podcast. Max is a vonuan van nomad traveling across Europe, living primarily off of bitcoin. He’s an avid contributor to the Wasabi Privacy wallet and, well, much more. He reached out to me recently and figured…
The past year has brought many new folks into the realm of self-liberation; and, since vonu is still technically considered in it’s revival stages, I figured I would put together this short Vonu Beginner’s Guide to jumpstart your journey into your liberated lifestyle of choice. [Click here to download this…
Crypto-anarchists/cypherpunks, Smuggler & Frank Braun, offer their insights into the prospects of an anonymous, private phone in the year 2021. FULL EPISODE: