A New Chapter

A New Chapter

I started down a new path Of self-liberation A fun and new adventure Who knows what I will find I am one happy traveler I’m as free as I can be from the bludge And the laws of society They can have their lives in the first realm They can…

TVP Intermission #20: Vonu – Your Strategy For Self-Liberation (Shane on #StateSmashPodcast with Jeremy Harding)

TVP Intermission #20: Vonu – Your Strategy For Self-Liberation (Shane on #StateSmashPodcast with Jeremy Harding)

Unfortunately, Kyle was unable to record this week; instead, I’ve decided to release my recent interview on Jeremiah Harding’s show, State Smash Podcast. We talked all things vonu: some history, some philosophy, van nomadism, the importance of self-liberational media in proving the efficacy of these lifestyle changes, and more. New…