I started down a new path Of self-liberation A fun and new adventure Who knows what I will find I am one happy traveler I’m as free as I can be from the bludge And the laws of society They can have their lives in the first realm They can…
Category: Travel
Mr. and Mrs. Jones over there have a freshly manicured lawn and hedges, high powered $80k automobiles, and no doubt spending through the nose to purchase and consume everything as prescribed by society. You better get out there and start mowing weekly, get the best weed killer out there, find…
On this previously live episode of The Vonu Podcast, Jason Boothe and I are joined by Jeremy Henggeler and Fenix Aurora, two individuals who have decided to pursue van nomadism. We’ll talk to Jeremy and Fenix about their adventures, struggles, their custom application of vonu, and much more! My book is…
On this special episode of The Vonu Podcast, I’m joined by Jeremy Hengeller and Shane Buell, co-hosts on the Seeds of Liberty Podcast and the Freedom Feens, live from the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest. New to vonu? START HERE! Herein, we interview a couple van nomads, chat with Fenix,…
On this intermission episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear my recent guest appearance on The Seeds Of Liberty Podcast, with Jeremy, Shane, and Andrei. Herein, we discussed intentional communities, van nomadism, passive income streams, families taking to the nomad life, Mexican medicine, utilizing solar power, seasteading, the 5 flag…
In this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we release the newest edition of TVP Interviews. This time, we welcome back Jeremy Henggeler, co-host of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast and future van nomad. New to vonu? START HERE! Herein, we discuss his initial plans before hitting the road, how he…
Unfortunately, Kyle was unable to record this week; instead, I’ve decided to release my recent interview on Jeremiah Harding’s show, State Smash Podcast. We talked all things vonu: some history, some philosophy, van nomadism, the importance of self-liberational media in proving the efficacy of these lifestyle changes, and more. New…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we are joined by our van nomad friend from Australia, Karl for another edition of TVP Interviews. In this installment, we focused heavily on van builds: namely, considerations I hadn’t previously taken into account regarding the conversion, whether or not it’s a good…
[Last week, we “concluded” our van nomadism series, but we’re not done discussing the subject. In order to make some new content for our Patrons, we’re playing two “intermission” episodes before we get onto our next miniseries on crypto-anarchism and technology. (BECOME A PATRON by clicking the image below.)] Karl…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Jason and I conclude the van nomadism series (for now) by discussing the normal obstacles to achieving and living the van life. There are obstacles, of course, but they’re not too much to overcome if this is your chosen vonu lifestyle. New to…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we continue our van nomadism series. New to vonu? START HERE! Herein, we begin by talking about the modern van nomad community, some of their meetups and gatherings, and how these folks are SO CLOSE to being full-blown vonuans. As we have had…
On this episode of TVP, we continue our van nomadism series. So, you’ve got your vehicle, you’ve converted it into your mobile home, and you still have your full-time job in the servile society. How much money does this lifestyle cost? How do you make the money necessary to live…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we continue our series on van nomadism. Last week, we told you what considerations to take into account when choosing a vehicle to liveaboard. Let’s say you’ve bought your dream vehicle, gutted the living space and ready to convert it into your mobile…