[Editor’s Note: The following is a chapter by Hakim Bey from his book The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism. Our next series of the podcast is on TAZs, and so I figured I would mirror this important piece here on the TVP website, as well as make it…
Category: Ethical Enclaves
Libertas is a four-part fictional anarchist series of short stories created to depict narratives of hope in an otherwise hopeless servile society that portrays coercive authority as immortal heroes. Latin for “liberty, free will, or no longer being in a state of confinement or servitude,” is a collection that presents characters of…
“…People differ. There is no one best way for everyone. Find the one that suits you best & do that & never mind if other people prefer to live differently…” -VONU: The Search for Personal Freedom, Part 2 – Comments for Rogue from Jim Stumm (March 1987) There are so…
Mr. and Mrs. Jones over there have a freshly manicured lawn and hedges, high powered $80k automobiles, and no doubt spending through the nose to purchase and consume everything as prescribed by society. You better get out there and start mowing weekly, get the best weed killer out there, find…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I share my guest appearance on Jay Caetano’s AnarchoInc Podcast. We talk about my path to anarchy, the challenges of turning side hustles into main income sources, and about our collaboration. On that note, support our side hustles and help build the agora!…
“The opportunistic serf is probably also more contented than the “non-conformist” who tried to be free in some things while remained servile in overall living pattern. One who is half- free and half-serf dwells in a psychological no-man’s land. He knows too much and thinks to independently to play servile…
Self-seeking can be defined as: “A continuing informal exploration of various ways for realizing greater personal opportunity in the present world.” If that doesn’t describe Rayo’s life (as we know it), I don’t know what does. It was also the main task for this season 2 of The Vonu Podcast;…
On this special episode of The Vonu Podcast, Jason Boothe and I do our first question & answer episode! Questions include: How did you each individually learn of vonu? Would it be possible to covertly produce mushrooms and other such forms of secret agriculture? How do you think Rayo would…
On this season two episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and Shane cover one of the most under-developed possibilities of vonu: vonuing in cities. Most of the potential solutions we’ve discussed so far have included strategic relocation and/or radical lifestyle changes that may not appeal to some. New to vonu?…
It’s finally here–VONULIFE, March 1973! This lengthy, highly informative publication is over 75,000 words (TWICE the length of Vonu: The Search for Personal Freedom), and contains ~35 articles, about 15 or so of them BRAND NEW to us from Rayo. It even includes a foreword by yours truly (Shane) and…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Jason Boothe and Shane take another dive into VonuLife, March 1973 to examine a couple articles authored by Rayo. The first is titled “Troglodyte Community,” and the second is, “Smumans: The Super Hobos.” New to vonu? START HERE! In more detail, we once…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Jason Boothe and Shane return back to reality after episodes on pursuing vonuence in South Chile/Antarctica to discuss an article series by Kerry Thornley (associate of Lee Harvey Oswald; seriously) sharing the same title as above. It was originally published in 1966 editions…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane is joined once again by Jason Boothe to examine more suggestions from previous freedom-seekers, taken from the recently published libertarian publication, Ocean Freedom Notes. Ocean Freedom Notes, 1984-1990 Specifically, the proposal of free communities on icebergs and in Antarctica, as well as…