You can now find Ben Stone’s book, Sedition, Subversion, and Sabotage, on LBRY! The audiobook was produced by Liberty Under Attack Publications, and the videos below by Pete Eyre; thanks to him for his efforts. Please enjoy, share, and consider purchasing the book!
[AUTHORITARIAN DISCLAIMER: This manual should always be referred to as a work of fiction, as a poor attempt at humor, as political satire, and as a parody of the 1944 OSS publication “Simple Sabotage Field Manual”, not to be taken seriously. The distribution and contents of this manual should be controlled and efforts should be made to keep it from falling into the hands of the immature, the authoritarian, or any other childish types that may not have the mental capacity to tolerate alternative viewpoints. Any representative of authority who would try to use this work as evidence in a criminal case should be mocked and shamed for not being intelligent enough to get the joke. This should not be difficult since, as we all know, those who tend to be authoritarian are usually so self-absorbed with their own inflated ego that there is no room in their tiny sad soul, for humor. After all, who would seriously object to having wonderful overlords such as those provided to us by our benevolent governments and their crony superstructure. No one would ever actually want anything bad to happen to anyone in authority. We all love our political masters.]
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