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The First Realm, the servile society, is a grand deception hellbent on convincing individuals to give up their free will, freedom, and ultimately, their lives. Undergirding it, is a (cult)ure of disempowerment, dependence, coercion, and as per the nature of the Biblical Babylon, total and utter confusion.
On the contrary, the Second Realm is the parallel society already in existence, built sturdily upon a foundation of peace, freedom, voluntaryism, and Truth. This network to me and others within it is the P.A.Z.NIA Network, the first “free country” in existence; yet, this Free Republic is geographically independent, with nodes scattered far and wide across the world, providing safe haven and access to necessary goods and services without the requirement of experimental gene therapy, or otherwise subjugation before those who falsely imagine themselves to be your rulers.
Connecting these disparate pockets of freedom is what I call the P.A.Z.NIA Department of Transportation, or more generically, a decentralized logistics and transportation network. These proxy merchants will transport pickles, P.A.Z.NIANs, [redacted], critical information/knowledge, and whatever else needs transporting.
And while we’re still early on and things like the P.A.Z.NIA D.o.T. are ideas-in-the-works, lots of progress is already being made in this direction, and the overall network formed.
One such progression is the recently concluded VonuFest2, our now weeklong festival of liberation here at The Free Republic. In line with the security culture principles set forth by the P.A.Z.NIA Department of Freedom, not everything will be covered, but here are some highlights from VonuFest2!
(Information on getting vetted & invited will be below!)

Food Self-Sufficiency: Lambs, Chickens, & Mushrooms
Self-liberators started to arrive the Sunday before the event began to help setup and to be there to assist with our first liberation activity: lamb processing. Ora and I processed Freddy2, the first sheep I bought last year (some 17 months ago), and we processed Silas Soule’s male that we had been raising for him. The second and third sheep went even quicker and smoother than the first one, and now, we have a freezer full of delicious meat and organs!

Next year, we’d like to begin outwardly selling meat and raising lambs for nomads/STEAKholders, following the building of the new woven wire fence and the expansion of the herd, but for right now, this is another great step towards our goal of food self-sufficiency!
Not in chronological order but along the same theme, we also processed three chickens! Again, the second, third, and fourth birds were far easier and smoother than the first duck we processed a few months back. And later that day, we roasted the fresh birds in the oven as the main course for a delicious STEAKholder dinner.

Finally, to conclude this first portion on food self-sufficiency, we took some time on the last day of the fest to do some mushroom hunting nearby – of course, time in the wilderness is pure bliss, but we were able to find some more turkey tails, as well as some fresh, perfectly harvested honey mushrooms! Not only will they taste incredible in dishes this week, but the health benefits are noteworthy.

And big thanks to Fenix Aurora for his help on the main garden zone – we had some issues with moles/voles, and he took spent some time digging and replacing the chicken fencing. We’re extremely appreciative of his assistance, as well as his incredible VonuFest-themed artwork!

The P.A.Z.NIA Mint
The first FOUNDING STEAKholder membership was going to include custom, P.A.Z.NIA-themed silver coins (pictured below)…unfortunately (or fortunately?), due to the state of the world and the financial markets at that time, that project had to be back-burnered. Thankfully, a fellow-P.A.Z.NIAN now has the equipment and know-how to pull something like this off, and even more expansively (& affordably) than I’d previously envisioned.

I suppose this calls for the formal announcement of the creation of The P.A.Z.NIA Mint…exciting!

A Unique Taste: STEAKholder Meals
In addition to the fresh, organically raised chicken above, we offered numerous STEAKholder meals throughout the event. STEAKholders (& VonuFest attendees) got a taste of the food raised here at Veritas and our focus & commitment to the highest quality animal products and garden-stuffs.
You see, in my view, cooking for others is one of the greatest expressions of love…and cooking with love includes high resonance ingredients, not miserable, feedlot animals and shitty genetically-altered, manmade “foods.” Reason being, the food we consume will literally become a part of us, providing vital building blocks for new tissue to form, as well as essential nutrients for healing, detoxification, and repair. This is one major reason these STEAKholder meals exist.
“It is a well-known physiological fact that the blood is the basic material of which the human body is continually builded. As is the blood, so is the body; as is the body, so is the brain; as is the brain, so is the quality of thought. As a man is builded, so thinks he.”
Other meals we offered were keto pizza (using fresh eggs and cheese as the crust), racks of lamb ribs, a local guinea pork sausage scramble for a breakfast, and the unplanned meal to conclude the event, freshly ground lamb burgers with pickles canned by Ora.

Future Gatherings: Dabsgiving
While VonuFest is our big gathering of the year, we do organize other events here at The Free Republic. One such occasion was Thanksgiving of last year, now deemed Dabsgiving, the tentative dates being Wednesday, November 24th – Monday, November 29th, 2021.
We’ll process/roast a couple fresh heritage turkeys from the P.A.Z.NIA Bird Shanty, possibly begin the P.A.Z.NIA mushroom farm, and we might even process another lamb or two if all works out. It will be another fantastic event of liberation and gratitude for our pockets of freedom!

Get Vetted & Invited
Due to the nature of the servile society, all visitors to P.A.Z.NIA must be vetted. This must either be a personal invite from me or Ora, or we will try to find a colleague we know in common that would be willing to vouch for your character and reputation; a digital connection is highly plausible.
We aren’t so much worried about State infiltrators, but more so, bullshitters and otherwise individuals who wouldn’t be good fits for what we’re building here. We’re still coming up with the specific protocols, but for right now, if you’re interested in coming to VonuFest or planning a tourist venture to The Free Republic:
- Join our P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence community Telegram chat and drop a brief introduction: how you found us, your liberated lifestyle, interests within the liberation sphere, etc.
- Check out the website, PAZNIA.com, for more information on what we’re building, as well as to find the 2021/2022 STEAKholder Bulletin.
- Build your reputation by engaging with the above (1) Committee of Correspondence and you may just get an invite. Otherwise, Ora and I are happy to meet potential, interested self-liberators off-property, whether at a designated meeting spot or, say, the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest.

In Summation…
In my humble opinion, Rayo, put it best:
In the real world, liberty will be limited for a long time to come to self-liberated individuals and (perhaps) libertarian mini-cultures and freeports. But this is not grounds for pessimism or defeatism. One can forget about the herd and become free, once he exorcises the collectivist spooks from his head.
And while liberty does appear to be limited for the time being and even apparently severely hindered in the First Realm, these P.A.Z.NIAs, these Second Realms, can serve as a beacon of hope, light, and inspiration for those looking for another way out. But don’t forget to think bigger, get creative, and always remember…
Vonu is yours for the making and the Second Realm is yours for the building.
[A Closing Note to CURRENT/FUTURE STEAKholders: Thank you so much for being here, as well as your contributions to the Second Realm and to the P.A.Z.NIA Network. We’re honored and excited to see what we can build together – long live The Free Republic!]
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