On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I wrap up our miniseries, Vonu Home Bases & Vonu Shelters Revisited, with a discussion and full overview of The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, which hopes to make ALL of these vonu lifestyles and shelters feasible. Please enjoy, and join the…
Tag: Security Culture
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we dive back into a selection of high quality articles found in VonuLife: Please enjoy, and in the meantime, pick up a copy of VonuLife, March 1973! A LIFE PHILOSOPHY by Al Fry Over our short span of years on earth, we have…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, join Brian as we explore two selections from VonuLife #5, discussing the topics of parallel economy, secure communications, and some ponderings by Rayo on ecology and coercion. Please enjoy. OVERVIEWS: Parallel Economy Dear Editors: Recent issues mention “Communications”, “Parallel Economy”, Rayo has mentioned…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back SW, co-founder of Samourai Wallet, the best privacy tool bitcoin has today. Herein, SW catches us up on their biggest current endeavor: decentralizing Whirlpool coordination. Further, he provides a brief rundown of all the features of the wallet; we cover…
The following is a presentation put together by our friend, AnarkioCrypto, on how to survive outside the state with agorism. Fair and free markets for food, jobs, housing, healthcare, mail, sim cards & more – no government ID or state permit required. Please enjoy…and see you in the Second Realm!…
The following is an article taken from Self-Liberation Notes, originally published in 1991 by Frieda Linkbetter. Herein, she covers some good tactics and reminders in the realm of privacy, security culture, and vetting associates. Please enjoy, and always remember, vonu is yours for the making and the Second Realm is…
The Vonu GhostSystem Bundle gives the beginning or advanced self-liberator an affordable and user-friendly way to step up their security culture, in both the physical and digital Second Realms. Featuring two privacy-hardened devices, hardware hacked by our friend Jamin Biconik: The GhostPhone: A DeGoogled Pixel 3A with CalyxOS VonuPad Basic:…
In this age of technological totalitarianism, the main method of control, identification, and coercion is the smartphone, and more generally, these Babylon tools of digital slavery. Many have failed to realize how much freedom has truly been lost…well, it’s true. I didn’t fully realize it until I began my transition…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome back friend & hardware hacker, Jamin Biconik, to get an update on The GhostSystem, a practical model for both digital and physical self-sovereignty. The GhostSystem features: And while Jamin will offer all of these (and we’ll offer special bundles on the…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome @SamouraiWallet (Twitter), a co-founder of the bitcoin privacy wallet, Samourai. Herein, we learn about SW’s long background/history working in bitcoin, the cypherpunk/vonuan origins & maintenance of Samourai, Whirlpool, CoinJoins, Coin Control, & other features of the wallet, TxTenna & off-grid bitcoin……
In this excerpt from TVP Intermission #65 (Aug. 3, 2021), you’ll catch a condensed version of a guest appearance on Brett Veinotte’s School Sucks Podcast with Joe Moutard, one of the organizers of the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest. Herein, I introduce the SSP audience to vonu & P.A.Z.NIA, and…
In this excerpt, Jamin and another Assembly participant discuss the dangers of metadata by way of a geopolitical example currently transpiring in the Ukraine…and the many ways in which said data is collected and used against individuals. This is the main reason we are bypassing Matrix as a potential option…
In this short excerpt from TVP #154, I talk with Greg from the Meadows & Makers Podcast about The GhostPhones now on offer via Liberty Under Attack Publications. Anonymous Silent.Link phone numbers paid in bitcoin Competition in the mobile privacy space User-friendliness has made it to open source A primer…