END MUSIC CREDIT: CARNATE BY VOID STARES BACK In the metaphorical blink of an eye, another year is in the books. Individually, we here at the P.A.Z.NIA Consulate hope that it was a productive one in your pursuit of physical, mental, and/or spiritual liberation, and that you’re closer to your…
Tag: Vonu
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent appearance on the Agorist Nexus Podcast with Brandon. We cover P.A.Z.NIA, vonu, spiritual liberation, the story of Bill Cooper, some ancient history…and much more in this short, yet dense discussion. Please enjoy. SHOW GUIDE: EMAIL [email protected] & SEE HOW…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we dive into all the literature available on the topic of troglydysm — spanning from Vonu: The Search for Personal Freedom, all the way to VonuLife/VonuLinc. Please enjoy. EMAIL [email protected] & SEE HOW WE CAN HELP YOU SHARE YOUR STORY! HEALTH LIBERATION/SELF-LIBERATION SPECIAL…
In this Assembly excerpt, Bastard Chris discusses vonu as a strategy to ensure the continuity of the Second Realm; Rex offers some ideas to make “policing” our pockets of freedom less likely… And once again, lessons from organized crime. [Video Credit: Thank you Fenix Fire Media!] FULL EPISODE: HEALTH LIBERATION/SELF-LIBERATION…
The following is an audiobook teaser of Matthew Wojtecki’s, freedom-focused thriller, BRUSHFIRE, narrated by Silas Soule, & published via Liberty Under Attack Publications. ~~~ PURCHASE THE AUDIOBOOK! GET THE AUDIOBOOK FOR FREE!* [Affiliate link special offer.*] ~~~ BRUSHFIRE DESCRIPTION: Do you ever feel like something is not quite right with…
The following is a short article I found in the May 1966 edition of INNOVATOR by a self-liberator who went by the nym of J.E.T. This was another I found worthy of republishing here in article, audio, and video format. Please enjoy, and always remember, vonu is yours for the…
On this #Vonu Podcast excerpt, I talk with Greg Doud (@GregMakesStuff) about the roots of The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, our current plans, and future visions of a decentralized parallel network, founded upon Truth, peace, & voluntaryism. I also cover some definitions and the comprehensive nature of the Second Realm.…
For this 200th episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome a killer panel of self-liberators from across a wide variety of specialties & geographies to get their take on the development & progress of liberation & vonu over the past couple of years…and their outlook on the future. Featuring: Smuggler,…
What are you paying attention to? Traditionally speaking, agorism, or counter-economics, deals with the trading of black or grey market goods/services, despite the threats (lawfare) waged by the servile society, those who falsely imagine themselves to be our rulers. Well, in a world where data is the new oil and…
[Author’s Note: The following is an article I wrote a couple years back, that I have re-written/updated for the Agorist Nexus site. Here it is in article and audio format.] While 2021 has forced many to consider the realm of self-liberation even if for mere survival, there are indeed still…
In this intermission episode of the podcast, you’ll catch the final installment of my miniseries over on Coast-To-Coast AM, which I’ve titled The Liberated Lifestyle Chronicles. You’ll catch a number of Vonu Resistance Reports and letters from self-liberators, the years ranging from the 1960’s, up until 2020. The goal was…
In this video, you’ll hear clips from my recent guest appearance on the Join The Wasabikas Podcast, hosted by Max Hillebrand. We talked vonu and the Second Realm, and how these strategies liberate the individual and forge a shield of privacy from First Realm coercion. FULL EPISODE:
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on the Join The Wasabikas Podcast, hosted by Max Hillebrand. We talked vonu and the Second Realm, and how these strategies liberate the individual and forge a shield of privacy from First Realm coercion. SHOW GUIDE: An…