Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. For more information, listen to TVP #4. “Those comparatively few law students of those comparatively few law schools who do learn to recognize the great gap between worldly problems and legal principles…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle cover another topic Rayo discussed in his book, “controlled schizophrenia,” although it’s more significant than you might realize. Not only does it predate the anti-libertarian “Libertarian” Party and discuss what Rayo witnessed in his days (1960s-70s), it also explains what…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle present Rayo’s position on political action. The title of the show consists of derisive terms he used in his articles and reflect our position as well. Furthermore, we discuss the most recent (s)election cycle and all of the madness that…
Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. Know thyself. Know thy adversary. Adopt and adapt their strategies – not to dominate them, but to keep yourself free. Do everything possible to postpone any sweeping countermoves your adversary may attempt…
Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. “The spectacle is the ruling order’s nonstop discourse about itself, its never-ending monologue of self-praise, its self-portrait at the stage of totalitarian domination of all aspects of life…[t]he spectacle is totally dogmatic,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle discuss a topic brought up in Rayo’s book called legal interstices. What are they? Can they be used to further personal freedom? What are the benefits? The ramifications? Kyle’s Article: Legal Interstices – Are You Exempted from Tyranny?
Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. “Do you think I’m a hypocrite? Well, you should; I wouldn’t disagree with you. The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and causalities. Never regret.” – Frank Underwood (from House of…
Note: The following is an article by Rayo, previously mirrored by Wally Conger. It was originally published in the Winter 1969 issue of Innovator. Libertarians who choose to secure their own liberty often find themselves accused of “anti-intellectualism” by other freedom advocates. The charge goes: “Statism is basically an intellectual…
Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. For more information, listen to TVP #1. “You have certain rights, period; and what the government does cannot change that. The government is a thug and a thief; be on your guard,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle compare and contrast the direct action promoted by individualist and collectivist schools of thought with that of vonu. This is more groundwork, but it’s crucially important to distinguish what is vonu and what isn’t.
Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. For more information, listen to TVP #6. Betrayal is all too common within the activist milieu. This is primarily due to the scourge of not only fake grievances but also the very…
Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. For more information, listen to TVP #5. Political crusading, also known as bullshit libertarianism, is synonymous with reformism, which is any attempt at working inside of the system in order to change…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle compare and contrast vonu with various other anarchic schools of thought, such as mutualism, agorism, voluntaryism (anarcho-capitalism), and more. In other words, we provide even more clarity on what vonu is and what it is not. Show Notes: Nationalist Anarchist…