A common thread throughout anarchism/libertarianism is the eventual arrival at some utopian, free society. The idea is that if “we” focus “our” efforts on educating individuals on economics, morality, history, etc., “we” can hit critical mass, abolish the State, and live happily ever after. While this “free world” is a…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome Lawrence Wasson from The Principle of Care site/channel. He’s a fellow anarchist who has also expanded beyond and into related subjects of natural law, spiritual self-liberation, the lost principle of care, and tools, strategies, & critical knowledge necessary to navigate this…
On this intermission episode, I cover an article by Rayo from VonuLife, March 1973, a special 75,000+ word publication. This one is titled Ecology > Vonu > Technology > Peace. Click here to download the publication for free, or purchase the paperback via the image below. Enjoy! LIBERTYUNDERATTACK.COM/VONULIFE [how to…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll hear a short Vonu Resistance Report, originally submitted to/published in the October 28th, 1970 edition of Ocean Living. (This article is a part of the complete publication, Ocean Freedom Notes/Ocean Living (1967-1980), which will be available via Liberty Under Attack Publications in…
What do Lee Harvey Oswald, MKUltra, & the JFK Assassination have in common? Well, apparently, Kerry Thornley, an associate of Rayo, self-liberator, and fellow contributor to Innovator, Ocean Freedom Notes/Ocean Living (OFN/OL), and other publications. In this short episode, I cover: A couple of excerpts from OFN/OL (available soon) that…
The publication you are about to read/listen to, The Permanent Floating Voluntary Society, is a collection of articles originally published in the libertarian publication, Innovator, from July to December 1966. [PURCHASE THE PAPERBACK VERSION OF THE PERMANENT FLOATING VOLUNTARY SOCIETY | DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE]
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast: Jason joins me to provide us an update on life in Commiefornia during this nonsense; We get his take on the current state of vonu in 2020; Potential positive developments despite the insanity; I fill you in on my spark of innovation for…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you will catch two episodes released as part of our Direct Action Series over at LUA Radio back in 2016. In part one, Kyle and I provide an overall analysis of the freedom strategy and philosophy, and in the second section, we compare/contrast…
On this newest edition of our Health Liberation/Self-Liberation series here on The Vonu Podcast, I provide you with some updates. Namely: Potential areas of investigation in the health/wellness realm (for me, and beyond) Updates on my progress in reversing my Type 1 Diabetes What’s to come in this area and…
Privacy is disappearing rapidly in both the physical and digital realms. Governments around the world are intercepting/collecting a majority of all communications between private individuals, personally identifiable information is required for even the most minuscule things, informants and government agents infiltrate activist groups constantly, etc. Is there anything we as…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I release the unofficial audiobook teaser of my book, Vonu: A Strategy for Self-Liberation. You will catch the first 1/3 to 1/4th of the book, with the official version being released as it is produced. Please enjoy; links to download for free or…
This is the video highlighting our liberating Thanksgiving weekend here at The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA. Includes images/videos from our lamb processing, garlic clove planting, trail blazing, and more. Music is Discoveries by Northlane. An article report of this [Report From A Vonuan] can be found at Agorist Nexus (link…
This is the full audiobook of Vonu: The Search for Personal Freedom, Part 2 – Letters From Rayo, narrated by Nick Irwin, published by Liberty Under Attack Publications. It is the second installment in the books chronicling Rayo’s life, ideas, and strategies of self-liberation. To support production of more audiobooks…