TVP Intermission #20: Vonu – Your Strategy For Self-Liberation (Shane on #StateSmashPodcast with Jeremy Harding)

TVP Intermission #20: Vonu – Your Strategy For Self-Liberation (Shane on #StateSmashPodcast with Jeremy Harding)

Unfortunately, Kyle was unable to record this week; instead, I’ve decided to release my recent interview on Jeremiah Harding’s show, State Smash Podcast. We talked all things vonu: some history, some philosophy, van nomadism, the importance of self-liberational media in proving the efficacy of these lifestyle changes, and more. New…

A Van Nomad In The Making…

A Van Nomad In The Making…

Hey ya’ll, Shane here. I’ve got some pretty big news for you. As regular listeners will know, my preferred vonu strategy was and is minimalist sailboating — in other words, I want to sell all of my shit, buy a boat, and traverse the high seas. The only problem? I…