TVP #9: A Primer on the Servile Society

TVP #9: A Primer on the Servile Society

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle discuss three concepts Rayo formulated, namely: Servile Society: A servile society could be defined as one that does not respect self-ownership or individual liberty, but rather heralds the supremacy of government and authority; in other words, it upholds the collective…

A Servile Society: The Value of Import-Export

A Servile Society: The Value of Import-Export

Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille.  “The spectacle is the ruling order’s nonstop discourse about itself, its never-ending monologue of self-praise, its self-portrait at the stage of totalitarian domination of all aspects of life…[t]he spectacle is totally dogmatic,…

TVP #2: Anarchic Vonu, Part 1

TVP #2: Anarchic Vonu, Part 1

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle compare and contrast vonu with various other anarchic schools of thought, such as mutualism, agorism, voluntaryism (anarcho-capitalism), and more. In other words, we provide even more clarity on what vonu is and what it is not. Show Notes: Nationalist Anarchist…