A Van Nomad In The Making…

A Van Nomad In The Making…

Hey ya’ll, Shane here. I’ve got some pretty big news for you. As regular listeners will know, my preferred vonu strategy was and is minimalist sailboating — in other words, I want to sell all of my shit, buy a boat, and traverse the high seas. The only problem? I…

Dwelling Portably (May 1994 Issue)

Dwelling Portably (May 1994 Issue)

Below, you will find the shortest, and I believe to be, final publication from the batch we’ve been busy getting digitized–this one is called Dwelling Portably [sic], published by Bert and Holly Davis. To provide some background information, Bert and Holly pursued an interesting, and quite radical vonu lifestyle–for many…

TVP #30: Self-Liberational Media

TVP #30: Self-Liberational Media

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and Shane discuss a little-mentioned topic by Rayo: self-liberational media (SLM). This can be defined as: Independently published content for either mass consumption or a niche market; such media is ingrained with the DIY ethic. They first begin by getting caught up…