Below, you will find a list of commonly asked questions about vonu. If you have any that you think need to be added, please let us know. Q: What is vonu? A: Vonu is the condition or quality of, as well as the action of achieving, an invulnerability to coercion.…

Parallel Polis, Parallel Societies, & The Sovereign Individual (Cryptocurrencies: Hack Your Way To A Better Life Audio Teaser)

Parallel Polis, Parallel Societies, & The Sovereign Individual (Cryptocurrencies: Hack Your Way To A Better Life Audio Teaser)

The following is an audiobook excerpt from Juraj Bednar’s above-titled book, recently listed in the Liberty Under Attack Publications catalog. The chapters are titled: Juraj is the co-founder of Paralelni Polis, the Institute of Crypto-Anarchy, in Prague. They have a bitcoin cafe, workshops, and host a yearly conference, Hackers Congress,…