The following are two articles about Tom Marshall, the pseudonymous Rayo, originally published in the August 1987 edition of Liberty Magazine. Herein, we learn about Tom from one of the individuals who attended he and Roberta’s “Vonu Week” program, in addition to a Retrospective by R.W. Bradford. Worth noting, I’m in…
Category: Vonu Basics
[Note: The following is an article by Kyle Rearden, originally published here on the TVP website back in February 2017. I revisited it within the past few days, and thought it was another one worthy of re-publication in podcast and video format. I hope you find it of value —…
[Editor’s Note: The following is another submission found in VonuLife that I thought to be of value and worth passing along. I made a few minor formatting alterations for readability, but otherwise, it remains intact as it was. In 2022, hopefully the entire collection of VonuLife, 1-17, will be out…
Fellow P.A.Z.NIAN/VONUAN, As we near the conclusion of this calendar year (at least according to the nonsensical, out-of-touch-with-nature, Gregorian calendar), I wanted to reach out with a year-end update on the happenings at The Free Republic, as well as an overview of all that is to come over the next…
[Editor’s Note: I recently came across the following article by Skye d’Aureous & Natalee Hall (full attribution below), and as is usually the case with VonuLife, it was so relevant and insightful that I found it worthwhile to republish it here, in article, audio, and video format. Comments by Rayo…
For this 200th episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome a killer panel of self-liberators from across a wide variety of specialties & geographies to get their take on the development & progress of liberation & vonu over the past couple of years…and their outlook on the future. Featuring: Smuggler,…
Something I’ve stressed at length in recent “creations” (videos, articles, or otherwise) is the importance and advantage of bringing one’s actions in alignment with their principles. Whether we’re talking about the physical or, in this case, the ever-populated digital realm, this holds true. And with many interactions now taking place…
What are you paying attention to? Traditionally speaking, agorism, or counter-economics, deals with the trading of black or grey market goods/services, despite the threats (lawfare) waged by the servile society, those who falsely imagine themselves to be our rulers. Well, in a world where data is the new oil and…
[Author’s Note: The following is an article I wrote a couple years back, that I have re-written/updated for the Agorist Nexus site. Here it is in article and audio format.] While 2021 has forced many to consider the realm of self-liberation even if for mere survival, there are indeed still…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, JJ, a pseudonymous individual from the P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence Chat, joined me to talk about the notel (“Not A Hotel”) demonstrated in #agora. We discussed what the inside of a Notel room could look like, policies & procedures, marketing such a Second…
The First Realm, the servile society, is a grand deception hellbent on convincing individuals to give up their free will, freedom, and ultimately, their lives. Undergirding it, is a (cult)ure of disempowerment, dependence, coercion, and as per the nature of the Biblical Babylon, total and utter confusion. On the contrary,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I welcome Lindsey Scharmyn, host of the Rogue Ways Podcast & Middle Path. In addition to being a valuable guide on the path to spiritual liberation, she’s overcome a number of obstacles, from darkness to “autoimmune dis-ease.” Like I’ve come to find out,…
The following are a few noteworthy samples from the most recent episode of The Vonu Podcast, wherein I made another appearance on The Agora Podcast featuring Sek McGora and Penguin. Clip 1: Magic, Medicinal Mushrooms: A Path to Financial & Health Freedom Clip 2: Vonu in Cities – Van Nomadism…