A New Chapter

A New Chapter

I started down a new path Of self-liberation A fun and new adventure Who knows what I will find I am one happy traveler I’m as free as I can be from the bludge And the laws of society They can have their lives in the first realm They can…

TVP #30: Self-Liberational Media

TVP #30: Self-Liberational Media

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and Shane discuss a little-mentioned topic by Rayo: self-liberational media (SLM). This can be defined as: Independently published content for either mass consumption or a niche market; such media is ingrained with the DIY ethic. They first begin by getting caught up…

Self-Liberation Notes

Self-Liberation Notes

Below, you will find another publication from the big batch we recently acquired–this one being Self-Liberation Notes, an extremely valuable and insightful collection of articles. Herein, you will find discussions on: self-liberation through household autonomy, tips and tricks in identifying and weeding out snitches and infiltrators, strategies for keeping communications…