Editor’s Note: In July of this year, I published the first draft of the first chapter of a piece of anarchist fiction I’ve been working on. I’m currently about 130 pages through and have written and re-written the hell out of the first two chapters. In this post, you’ll get…
Tag: Vonu
[Editor’s Note: The following is an interview I conducted with Jim Stumm, the editor of Rayo’s first book, “Vonu: The Search for Personal Freedom,” and publisher of LIVING FREE, a libertarian newsletter that has been running since 1979. He also met Rayo back in 1971. He’ll provide more personal details…
A graphical poem by Josiah Warren if you like what you are reading and it has benefited you in any way, please feel free to give a voluntary contribution of bitcoin to the following address: 1dG1vhLmevVqPUp7RdjuMkUqbTmPA2fVx Check out Liberty Under Attack Publications for tools to aid you in your self-liberation, or if you’re…
“…People differ. There is no one best way for everyone. Find the one that suits you best & do that & never mind if other people prefer to live differently…” -VONU: The Search for Personal Freedom, Part 2 – Comments for Rogue from Jim Stumm (March 1987) There are so…
Editor’s Note: Earlier this year, I put up a poll on the LUA Publications Fascistbook page, asking for opinions on the subject matter of my second book. The options at the time were a book on vonu and crypto-anarchy or a direct action guide. The latter overwhelmingly won, but I’ve…
“The maximum penalty for an adult carrying a knife is 4 years in prison and an unlimited fine. You’ll get a prison sentence if you’re convicted of carrying a knife more than once.“ -Your Benevolent RulersPS- have fun defending yourself against robbers, rapists, and thieves. But, most importantly we know…
I started down a new path Of self-liberation A fun and new adventure Who knows what I will find I am one happy traveler I’m as free as I can be from the bludge And the laws of society They can have their lives in the first realm They can…
In this 11th episode of our crypto-anarchism series here on TVP, I invite my friend and colleague, Matthew Raymer, on to talk about Darklance, a project we’re working on together, and ContentSafe, a service he and Darrell Becker are offering to content creators as a solution to de-platforming and censorship.…
Mr. and Mrs. Jones over there have a freshly manicured lawn and hedges, high powered $80k automobiles, and no doubt spending through the nose to purchase and consume everything as prescribed by society. You better get out there and start mowing weekly, get the best weed killer out there, find…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I share my guest appearance on Jay Caetano’s AnarchoInc Podcast. We talk about my path to anarchy, the challenges of turning side hustles into main income sources, and about our collaboration. On that note, support our side hustles and help build the agora!…
“The opportunistic serf is probably also more contented than the “non-conformist” who tried to be free in some things while remained servile in overall living pattern. One who is half- free and half-serf dwells in a psychological no-man’s land. He knows too much and thinks to independently to play servile…
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” -Henry David Thoreau The majority of the people in the great USSA buy into the consumerist mindset; I need to have the next best thing, I need to have the nice car, the insanely large house, the furniture,…
It is obvious that anyone going through a traumatic event experiences some kind of mental instability. Most events we will never forget, horrific or otherwise. But, what could be more traumatic than finding out that you are not as free as you are being told? Rayo’s words describe me almost…