INTRODUCTION: Back in March 1973, Rayo and many of the most hardcore self-liberators of the time (and likely even today) published a massive 75,000+ word issue of VONULIFE, that is shockingly relevant and of immense value, even today. And while that was a highlight, there was also an entire zine…
Tag: Book
[Editor’s Note: This audiobook was recorded 4+ years ago, back near the beginning of my entry into the alternative media. The audio isn’t as great as it is now, but actually came out pretty good considering. Please bear with the slight background noise/line static for now; at some point, we’ll…
Editor’s Note: Earlier this year, I put up a poll on the LUA Publications Fascistbook page, asking for opinions on the subject matter of my second book. The options at the time were a book on vonu and crypto-anarchy or a direct action guide. The latter overwhelmingly won, but I’ve…