On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I’m joined by Stefan Verstappen, founder of ChinaStrategies.com and FormingCommunities.com. We learn about the growing local community he’s been building since 2020; the Art of Urban Survival/vonuing in cities; and hear Stefan’s extremely interesting path here, from JFK “conspiracy theorist”, to martial arts…
Category: Survivalism
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch my recent guest appearance on Gabriel Custodiet’s Watchman Privacy Podcast. We cover a lot, but the ultimate theme is how to escape and live free of the servile society, the First Realm. His full show notes serve as a great show…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we dive back into a selection of high quality articles found in VonuLife: Please enjoy, and in the meantime, pick up a copy of VonuLife, March 1973! A LIFE PHILOSOPHY by Al Fry Over our short span of years on earth, we have…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, you’ll catch two more stellar articles from VONULIFE (this time, #8). One by Rayo on selecting a site for a vonu home, the other by Dr. Gatherer/Dr. Hygeia on ways she simplifies her life to make time for things she wants to do…
The following is an audiobook presentation of How To Bury Your Goods by eddie the wire, a small booklet originally published via Loompanics Unlimited, released in both audio and PDF format. After Loompanics went defunct, this title was picked up by Paladin Press who later went defunct in 2018. Though,…
The following are two articles about Tom Marshall, the pseudonymous Rayo, originally published in the August 1987 edition of Liberty Magazine. Herein, we learn about Tom from one of the individuals who attended he and Roberta’s “Vonu Week” program, in addition to a Retrospective by R.W. Bradford. Worth noting, I’m in…
On this fine Sunday morning, I find myself digitizing more classic vonu publications for free digital release, as well as a special collector’s edition paperback version. More specifically, VonuLife issues #1-10. While situations in the servile society differ quite substantially and the technocratic coercion ramped up a thousand fold, if…
Aloe Vera is widely known to relieve burns and help heal wounds, but it can also relieve constipation, prevent cavities, lower blood sugar, reduce wrinkles, and much more. The leaves can be snapped off with your hands, but use a sharp knife to ensure the leaf edge does not tear…
[Editor’s Note: The following is an article by Miriam Zachariah, originally published in the 7th issue (July 2020) of Road To Anarchy, a zine YOU need to be subscribed to. I figured it would be a perfect fit for TVP, and so here it is! Please enjoy. -Shane] Renting an…
Goats, anarchy, and a murderous puppy. Share your resistance report today: www.vonupodcast.com/resistance “Second Realm: Book on Strategy” Audiobook FREE download [affiliate link]: https://libertyunderattack.com/SRaudio LIBERTY UNDER ATTACK PUBLICATIONS 2020 SPECIAL] 🏴Get a FREE paperback copy of Kerry Thornley’s, “The Permanent Floating Voluntary Society” with an order of any amount!🏴 🏴https://libertyunderattack.com/🏴 [SUPPORT…
Libertas is a four-part fictional anarchist series of short stories created to depict narratives of hope in an otherwise hopeless servile society that portrays coercive authority as immortal heroes. Latin for “liberty, free will, or no longer being in a state of confinement or servitude,” is a collection that presents characters of…
This is the last of the 5 part series, A Vonuan Guide to Firearms. I’d like to just give a summary of the series if you haven’t read or checked out the previous segments and then wrap things up nicely with some updates and a recap. A Vonuan Guide to Firearms…
Welcome back to the five-part series, Thoughts of an Experienced Gun Owner. If you haven’t already, please take a look and review the previous three parts of the series. In part four, I’m going to present as simply as I can, disassembly (dis) & re-assembly (ass) of some common firearms including…