TVP #231: Building Communities, & Becoming A Vonu/P.A.Z.NIA Warrior! with Stefan Verstappen

TVP #231: Building Communities, & Becoming A Vonu/P.A.Z.NIA Warrior! with Stefan Verstappen

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I’m joined by Stefan Verstappen, founder of and We learn about the growing local community he’s been building since 2020; the Art of Urban Survival/vonuing in cities; and hear Stefan’s extremely interesting path here, from JFK “conspiracy theorist”, to martial arts…

TVP Intermission #56: Old Mining Towns & Liberation in the Mountains [Vonu Resistance Report, VonuLife #1]

TVP Intermission #56: Old Mining Towns & Liberation in the Mountains [Vonu Resistance Report, VonuLife #1]

On this fine Sunday morning, I find myself digitizing more classic vonu publications for free digital release, as well as a special collector’s edition paperback version. More specifically, VonuLife issues #1-10. While situations in the servile society differ quite substantially and the technocratic coercion ramped up a thousand fold, if…

[Vonu Resistance Report – 200428] Naomi, The Killer

[Vonu Resistance Report – 200428] Naomi, The Killer

Goats, anarchy, and a murderous puppy. Share your resistance report today: “Second Realm: Book on Strategy” Audiobook FREE download [affiliate link]: LIBERTY UNDER ATTACK PUBLICATIONS 2020 SPECIAL] 🏴Get a FREE paperback copy of Kerry Thornley’s, “The Permanent Floating Voluntary Society” with an order of any amount!🏴 🏴🏴 [SUPPORT…