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As we near the conclusion of this calendar year (at least according to the nonsensical, out-of-touch-with-nature, Gregorian calendar), I wanted to reach out with a year-end update on the happenings at The Free Republic, as well as an overview of all that is to come over the next year (technically, Year 2 in our terms).

I also wanted to extend a sincere “thanks” for being here, and my hope that this last year brought you closer to your goals of liberation, whatever those happen to be.
Remember, as our vonuan predecessors have passed down, freedom will not be an immediate, overnight acquisition, but is rather the result of introspection, rigorous deprogramming, a realistic assessment of wants, desires, & needs, and a subsequent plan towards directing necessary energy & resources towards its fruition.
To put it another way, it requires one foot in front of the other in this long pilgrimage back to Eden, and out of Babylon.
And we would surely like to continue making positive strides forward in our goal of building P.A.Z.NIA, this decentralized, self-sufficient network of permanent (and temporary) autonomous zones.
As I laid out in the 2021/2022 STEAKholder Bulletin (which goes into some of this in much more detail), our main objectives for Phase 2 of the overall P.A.Z.NIA Vision entails a more dedicated focus to the digital Second Realm, translating into the expansion of the P.A.Z.NIA Network.
Thankfully, we’ll have a colleague stopping by Veritas for a visit here soon, who also happens to be a developer/programmer, and so we should be able to get some of this planned out, with a process for implementation.
And as Jamin Biconik highlighted in Vonu Podcast #127, the 200th episode roundtable discussion on liberation strategy, he is nearing completion of the P.A.Z.NIA Lbry, a federated FreedomBox/PirateBox setup specifically for our purposes. Once I get the prototype here soon, I’ll be looking forward to getting these Lbry’s into the hands of vetted P.A.Z.NIANs.
(NOTE: Tier 2 STEAKholders will get a substantially discounted price & first dibs on the P.A.Z.NIA Lbrys — become one today, or upgrade to tier 2 for half the price if you’re already on board!)
In regards to the P.A.Z.NIA Lbry, I’ve got a lot of ideas, and am of course open to further suggestions! But for my part, some possibilities immediately come to mind:
- A self-hosted P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence chat (text & audio)
- Digital archives/libraries/wikis, with redundant storage worldwide via the Lbry & other distribution plans
- Easy one-click bitcoin/lightning network nodes & BTCPayServer (for privacy-enhanced, self-hosted BTC payments, raising funds for projects, etc.)
- The coming P.A.Z.NIA Directory/Map for vetted self-liberators, as well as subgroups of various geographies
- The P.A.Z.NIA Department of Transportation (P.D.o.T.), our vetted, decentralized logistics & transportation network
- Van Nomad squat spot Directory & Nomad Networking application
- The P.A.Z.NIA Seed Exchange
- The foundation of the P.A.Z.NIA Networking/Communications infrastructure (i.e. mesh networks, sneakernets/data mules)
- And more…
Further, we’d like to facilitate a big re-do of the P.A.Z.NIA website:
- It could definitely use a visual and informational upgrade
- We’d like to add a STEAKholder login area for facilitating seed exchanges, web portals for the P.D.o.T., a forum, etc.
- A web portal for the publicly available P.A.Z.NIA Lbry Archive
- And more…
In the meantime, I feel like it’s important to get some transitionary chat setup for a P.A.Z.NIA Seed Exchange, in preparation for the coming growing season. It will likely be on Telegram initially, and much less vetted since exchanging seeds doesn’t (as of yet) fall into the black/grey markets.
As Sek McGora pointed out in one of our conversations, coordinating bulk seed buys is cheaper for all parties involved, and, in my opinion, I’d rather get my seeds from a fellow vonuan/P.A.Z.NIAN than some random website, that may or may not have been bought out by Monsatan or other such corrupters of Nature.
I’m happy to announce, the designs are done and “in-the-hands” of our Head of the P.A.Z.NIA Mint; this means that special, upside-down pyramid silver “coins” will be available soon. Founding STEAKholders will be taken care of first, and then the “coins” will be available for purchase to anyone who wants them (while supplies last). More details on the weight, price, and appearance soon.
We’re also beginning the planning for 2022 (Year 2) events at The Free Republic. Tentatively, here’s what is forecasted thus far:
- March/April:
We will host an unofficial camping weekend, as we did in 2021 (Year 1), probably the last weekend in March/first weekend in April. This may or may not coincide with the building of the new livestock fence, which some offered to help with.
We’re also looking to schedule possible P.A.Z.NIA Department of Tourism field trips to the nearby Cahokia Mounds sacred site, as well as the pyramid found in the middle of Bell-Smith Springs State Park. A few have expressed interest, and Ora and I would certainly love to have company, if the timing works out.
We’ll probably try and determine scheduling in January, aiming for some weekend in April. Stay tuned!
- September/October:
And of course, VonuFest3, which will likely take place in September or October. This is our biggest, now-yearly gathering of liberation. I’m not sure what will be on the docket as-of-yet, but likely some more food self-sufficiency items, such as bird/lamb processing, end-of-season/fall gardening items, etc., and maybe even some more self-defense training from the pseudonymous, Pat Henry.
And of course, the further building of this Second Realm culture, whether that ends up being good times with fellow P.A.Z.NIANs, or potentially more expansive, such as some liberated entertainment, music, etc. We shall have to wait and see what the universe has in store!
And of course, fresh duck, turkey, and chicken eggs will be available to STEAKholders/VonuFest attendees, and we’ll hopefully have some lamb meat to sell too!
- Miscellaneous Events
Beyond the events mentioned above, we also usually schedule “unofficial” events coinciding with hol(y)day weekends – in the First Realm, these are more commonly known as “4th of July,” “Memorial Day,” and the like.
These will be announced via the P.A.Z.NIA C.o.C. Telegram Chat, The Vonu Podcast, and LUA/Vonu email newsletters.

Finally, as I discussed in the 2021/2022 STEAKholder Bulletin, objectives in the physical realm over the coming years include taking Veritas, P.A.Z.NIA off-grid: off-grid water, off-grid energy/electricity, further progress on food self-sufficiency, & health liberation initially.
Solutions in these realms, such as the “free” energy rollout, will first be distributed to vetted nodes/”cities” in the P.A.Z.NIA Network.

[IMAGE: Sky Huddleston poses with the upgraded Bourke engine he’s designing/building. Our P.A.Z.NIA Free Energy Consultant, John Gier, is employed by him currently. Credit to EMediaPress.]
To be frank, I’m getting really fed up with standing by and letting my loved ones/fellow humans be chronically poisoned & eventually killed off by Babylon Pharmaceuticals, and so I feel I have to make this explicit here:
If anyone needs any pointers or guidance on handling some chronic dis-ease or “condition,” please, PLEASE reach out. Thankfully, while I’m not a quack and have not wasted inordinate amounts of time, money, & other resources to be indoctrinated into the Rockefeller Medicine paradigm…
What I do have, is near-daily education, learning, and experimentation for the past 3 years on the entire, holistic spectrum of health, investigating actually efficacious routes in restoring balance in the body.
And if I don’t have the answer for you myself, I can surely point you in the right direction, whether it’s Dr. Barre Lando over at Alfa Vedic, Clive de Carle’s Secret Health Club, working with Phoenix Aurelius, or inhaling the miraculous, hydrogen-rich Brown’s Gas (AquaCure), to name a few…
To keep this brief, you can’t restore health & balance in the body by poisoning it…and as I laid out in this short guide on liberating yourself from Big Pharma, most so-called dis-ease would disappear if individuals would stop chronically poisoning themselves and subsequently fix nutrient deficiencies.
And at the P.A.Z.NIA Department of Health/Wellness, we intend on demonstrating the power of the body to heal and regenerate, utilizing various tools and methodologies.
Briefly, a Rife electrical healing machine is incoming, and soon, we strive to have one of George Wiseman’s AquaCure machines on hand – if you’ve never looked into hydrogen-rich water or Brown’s Gas, you definitely should.
But we can’t build this P.A.Z.NIA/Second Realm Network ourselves…we need other P.A.Z.s to declare their independence and join us on this journey…
We need other inspired self-liberators contributing ideas and projects, such as Josiah Warren’s creation of the P.A.Z.NIA General Bitcoin Fund…
We need other folks talking about P.A.Z.NIA and the network we’re building here, whether in-person at other freedom events, or digitally via podcasts, radio shows, & the like…
(On that note, I’m always happy to chat liberation/P.A.Z.NIA/vonu, if you know any content creators looking for solutions! Help is appreciated here too!)
In essence, we need more time, energy, and attention committed to the building of this free, parallel society, however that manifests in physical space and time for you.
Thanks so much again for being here…we truly are on the verge of something great and liberatory.
For now, cheers…see you in the Second Realm.
- Bitcoin:
- BCH:
- PayPal (for donations of less than $500)
- Physical Donations/Mail:
Send to Rayo at 330 W. Gallatin St., Vandalia, IL 62471.
- The P.A.Z.NIA Free Press Telegram News Channel
- The P.A.Z.NIA Committee of Correspondence Telegram Channel
- Read/sign the P.A.Z.NIA Declaration of Independence/Constitution

- P.A.Z.NIA Frequently Asked Questions
- [Funding] Invest in P.A.Z.NIA
- Visitor’s Journal [The Self-Liberation Diaries]
- The Vonu Podcast (self-liberational media & more information on liberation)