On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I am honored to be joined by Ace, a former Halo 3 MLG professional gamer. After following him and some of his fellow gamers a few years back, it was evident that Ace is on a much different path. Perusing his Twitter/X account,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I wrap up our miniseries, Vonu Home Bases & Vonu Shelters Revisited, with a discussion and full overview of The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, which hopes to make ALL of these vonu lifestyles and shelters feasible. Please enjoy, and join the…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we dive into part three of our ongoing series revisiting vonu shelters/vonu home bases. Today, we discuss: troglodysm, semi-underground & underground structures (land); and floating hotels, decommissioned aircraft carriers, & bigger seasteads. Advantages & disadvantages? Differences today versus the 1960’s & 70’s, technological…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I finally somewhat return to our old “TVP Interviews” series, wherein we host discussions with self-liberators to talk about their philosophy, liberated lifestyle(s), their location, & more. Today, I’m pleased to welcome Barend & Maarten to the show. Barend spent about a decade…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle Rearden and I revisit our discussion on vonu shelters, vonu home bases. We’ll start with a conversation on e-bikes and the possibilities they bring forth for a vonuan, sparked from some comments on our Part 1. Then, we take another deep dive…
The following is a joint Vonu Podcast – Liberty Under Attack Publications production. [FREE PDF DOWNLOAD] The Free Isles Project: An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance Table of Contents Eventually, this will be the released in paperback format via Liberty Under Attack Publications, but…
Today, I come to you with a special, new, hopefully ongoing series: LUA Publications Reviews! Herein, we’ll read the reviews of our most popular, bestselling book, Sedition, Subversion, and Sabotage by Ben Stone. Please enjoy, and consider picking up a copy of Ben’s book, or check out our full catalog…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle and I revisit the subject of vonu shelters/vonu home bases after 5 years of experience, thoughts, and theorizing on the subject. In this first part 1, we revisit van nomadism, pedestrian nomadism, living on a sailboat, and a few other sub-topics. Part…
The following is a chapter excerpt from the soon-to-come audiobook, Free Isles: An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance. DOWNLOAD THE PDF: VONUPODCAST.COM/CDR DOWNLOAD THE PDF: VONUPODCAST.COM/CDR (TVP #212, the full audiobook, will come next.) Herein, “Gill” explores and elucidates an early theoretical design of…
The Pain Liberator, Miracle Muscle Pain Reliever is now back in stock via Liberty Under Attack Publications! For basic aches and pains, to more substantial injuries, all the way to “pains” like headaches or migraines… Experience the wonders of DMSO + Asprin + Colloidal Silver!
DIGITIZER’S FOREWORD/INTRODUCTION Download this FULL SPECIAL ISSUE in PDF format. The progress of digitizing these classic vonu and libertarian zines I received from Jim Stumm is going quite swimmingly. This last set of zines is INNOVATOR, first started as LIBERAL INNOVATOR. Spanning nearly a decade, there’s not as much practical,…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I fill Kyle in on the recent happenings in the bitcoin privacy space over the past five years, more recent developments with Samourai, Tornado Cash, et al; and we conclude with a sort of retrospective and update on political prisoners and the state…
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Kyle Rearden returns again! We provide life/homestead updates, I discuss progress on the Vonu Zine Digitization Project, and Kyle & I provide updates on a few political prisoners from the past. In two weeks, we’ll be back for a “Crypto War Update”, summarizing…