TVP #219: Major League Liberation w/ Former Halo 3 Pro Gamer, Ace

On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, I am honored to be joined by Ace, a former Halo 3 MLG professional gamer.

After following him and some of his fellow gamers a few years back, it was evident that Ace is on a much different path. Perusing his Twitter/X account, you’ll find discussions on spirituality, health, meditation, yoga, and other topics we’ve discussed at length here.

15+ years later after becoming a professional gamer at age 14, he’s retiring from gaming and shifting his focus towards other opportunities.

Herein, we cover a lot, but the general theme is spiritual liberation, and Ace’s very unique path here. Please enjoy.


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  • Introducing Ace, Halo 3, and some further insight into my background
  • Ace: grew up as a studious kid, learned a lot; but he also became a professional Halo player at 14
  • Big tournament payouts came around ($200k – $1 million) and he dropped out of college to pursue professional gaming
  • He developed an interest in yoga at the time; had to fix some injuries caused from bad positioning while gaming
  • Ended professional gaming days in 2021 when he was 29/30 years old; transitioned into yoga training, and other things
  • Moments Ace looked back on in his life that he knew things were drastically different before and after
  • Western, left brain, scientism thinking versus eastern, right brain thinking — BALANCE!
  • East vs. west, Lucifer vs. Ahriman — again, BALANCE!
  • Ace’s introduction to Rudolf Steiner: check out Gigi Young!
  • Alternative history? Timelines?
  • Ace’s biggest tools for spiritual self-liberation? Resources?
  • The sun is huge in spiritual and physical liberation! Cut out the PUFA’s/seed oils, though!
  • Religion today is an encumbrance to liberation…spirituality is truly liberating!
  • My variety of Qi Gong
  • Frequential healing, sacred sites, Tibetan Sound Bowls, Rife healing, the AquaCure, etc.
  • Ace’s path to PHYSICAL liberation: SLOW DOWN TO SPEED UP!
  • Ace: Trying to make money without compromising physical, mental, or spiritual health
  • VONUFEST 5: Hopefully Ace will make it — we have to organize in physical space & time!
  • “Surrender” and slowing down vs. “fighting” — much more efficacious and less stressful
  • Follow Ace on Twitter/X: @AceTV; Insta: @aaronaceelam



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