On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, we revisit the concept of mean-time to harassment, Rayo’s proposed metric for gauging the efficacy of a given vonu lifestyle/activity level. Put another way, it’s a measure of the time between interactions with coercers. This reexamination will also feature Kyle Rearden’s article published…
Tag: MTH
On this episode of The Vonu Podcast, Shane and Kyle discuss a concept Rayo formulated known as “mean-time to harassment,” which can be defined as: …the strength of vonu, usually expressed in years. MTH is typically used to gauge the profitable viability of concealing a vonuum (the place or situation…
Note: The following is an article by TVP host, Kyle Rearden, published on his blog, The Last Bastille. Know thyself. Know thy adversary. Adopt and adapt their strategies – not to dominate them, but to keep yourself free. Do everything possible to postpone any sweeping countermoves your adversary may attempt…