TVP #212: [The Free Isles Project] An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance (#FREEAUDIOBOOK)

TVP #212: [The Free Isles Project] An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance (#FREEAUDIOBOOK)

The following is a joint Vonu Podcast – Liberty Under Attack Publications production. [FREE PDF DOWNLOAD] The Free Isles Project: An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance Table of Contents Eventually, this will be the released in paperback format via Liberty Under Attack Publications, but…

TVP #213: Competitive Dispute Resolution (A Preform-Inform Confidential, Nov. 1963)

TVP #213: Competitive Dispute Resolution (A Preform-Inform Confidential, Nov. 1963)

The following is a chapter excerpt from the soon-to-come audiobook, Free Isles: An Early 1960’s Exploration Into Seasteading, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Voluntary Governance. DOWNLOAD THE PDF: VONUPODCAST.COM/CDR DOWNLOAD THE PDF: VONUPODCAST.COM/CDR (TVP #212, the full audiobook, will come next.) Herein, “Gill” explores and elucidates an early theoretical design of…

The National Builders’ Struggle

The National Builders’ Struggle

Editor’s Note: The following is an article from Reason Magazine, originally published in the December 1972 issue. It covers multiple case studies of attempts at founding new libertarian countries in the 1960s and 70s, most inspired by the Free Isles Project, something Rayo was involved in early on. All credit…